What Makes a Great Café Experience?

Coffee has been an essential part of the everyday life of most Filipinos. Most young people enjoy coffee every day. Aside from the coffee beans themselves, what people enjoy more about it is because of the coffee shop experience they feel. Artisan coffee shops in the Philippines have boomed and are making a good profit. If you are planning to try out a coffee shop in the Philippines today, here are some things you might want to consider to make your café experience worthwhile.

Read also: Coffee Shop Trends – What’s Popular Now

1. Quality Coffee Beans

The type of high-quality coffee beans plays a significant role in a great café experience. Whether it is produced locally or not, a great coffee demands fresh roasting and grinding. The coffee industry has become a competitive one, so it is important to invent new coffee recipes using your favorite coffee beans and discover new flavors.

Aside from the main ingredient, which is the coffee beans, it is also important that you have a great coffee machine to aid you in making the coffee that would satisfy your taste and could sustain volume demands. Some successful coffee shops invest in quality coffee equipment and machines to keep them in business and sustain the quality of their coffee products.

Read also: Affordable Coffee Machine Under ₱5,000 for Every Coffee Lover

Batangas was once known to be the Coffee Capital of the Philippines. This is where the famous Kapeng Barako originated. It is called such because it takes pride in its strong taste. Kapeng Barako or the Batangas Brew is Liberica Coffee that originated from Liberia, West Africa brought to the Philippines during the Spanish Colonial period.

Imagine waking up to the aroma of your freshly-brewed Kapeng Barako, paired with your sumptuous breakfast cooked by your loved one. This can be a reality when you plant your own Kapeng Barako in the backyard of your very own house and lot. Try to check the links below for your real estate investment and see how your mornings become more meaningful.

2. Food and Price

Pasta and pastries would usually blend just right to your choice of coffee – and this adds up to the great café experience. Successful coffee shops collaborate or outsource with local bakeries or other small businesses so they can focus more on the enhancement of their coffee recipes.

A great price in a cafe experience is a reasonable price. When a customer gets what s/he wants or what s/he thinks s/he deserves, then s/he would not mind paying a little bit more. Truth is – convenience comes with a price. And that is understandable.

3. The Right Market

More often than not, coffee shops are in easily accessible areas. They are strategically placed in an ideal spot that connects people or minds. The foot traffic determines whether the coffee shop is picking up or not. This steady stream of people walking in and out shows that the coffee is good and customers keep returning.

Before the coffee industry boomed, most people liked going to their favorite local coffee shops because simply they like drinking coffee. Nowadays, the target market has evolved and has not just been limited to the coffee-drinkers, it paved the way to cater to non-coffee drinkers by offering non-coffee beverages and drinks.

Read Also: NAPA at Crosswinds: Must-Visit Cafe in Tagaytay

4. Customer Service

One reason why the crowd persistently hangs out or goes to their usual coffee shop spot is because of their baristas’ great customer service. A quality great barista knows how to make great coffee and also one with a great attitude towards the customers. A great barista can help you pair with the best coffee that suits your taste – they must know their coffee. Also, they have great customer service not just because of their attitude of friendliness, polite and professional approach to their customers, but also their knowledge of their products. The curious young customers nowadays, tend to ask more about coffee – how it is produced, where was it from, and a lot more. Authenticity and transparency are things that customers look for so they can relate to it and get engaged at an emotional level. These baristas must have a natural interest and basic knowledge of their product so they can be competitive and competent in their craft. The more you engage your customers, the higher the chance that they would come back to your coffee shop and be regular.

Some successful coffee shops would even introduce a ‘make-your-own coffee’ using their coffee maker machines. This brings about a different café experience where you can actually use their equipment and create your own coffee according to your taste.

It is not a secret that the pandemic is a game-changer in a lot of things in terms of marketing and extending a great café experience to the customers –wherever they may be. That’s why during the pandemic, some coffee shop owners have thought of different ways to keep their business brewing conveniently and safely. Since there were limitations in drinking coffee in the coffee shops, they opened various options. One option is a drive-thru where they can order their favorite coffee while they are in their cars. A driveway in their coffee shop is needed for this. Online delivery options work for people who cannot go outside of their homes or for those who do not have the time to order. Ordering your favorite coffee online becomes convenient and safe.

Nowadays, convenience and safety are priorities of our customers. Since the working professionals have mostly been given some flexible work arrangements, coffee shops have become the go-to location for a workspace. Having internet wifi in the coffee shop and ample electrical outlets for a gadget running low are a plus.

5. Ambiance

The ambiance is a huge factor in a great café experience. It supplements the taste and the customer service to complete the satisfaction of your customers. Coffee shops that provide a relaxing, welcoming, comfortable feeling and clean environment attract more customers.

Do not forget that this is a food and beverage establishment. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness at all times is important. Tidying up the tables, floors, coffee machines, and stations, (especially the comfort rooms) is to follow strict health and safety protocols, especially in this pandemic.

Over the past years, coffee shops draw out a distinctively calming and peaceful vibe where people can meet with their friends and family or just be alone enjoying a warm cup of coffee. Whatever your purpose in visiting the coffee shop, whether you wish to have your coffee-to-go, leave immediately after, or stick around to study or do work stuff, the interior design pieces and decorations need to be comfortable and conducive to productivity. Also, for one coffee shop to stand out, the overall vibe must be Instagram-worthy.

Read Also: Work-friendly Coffee Shops in the South

In this age, coffee shops are not just for coffee-drinkers, but also FOR EVERYONE who wants to enjoy a great café experience with people they love: having a great coffee taste and comfort food, satisfied with customer service, filled with a good vibe and good crowd coming to a reasonable price. Remember to make your café moments count!

Written by Ruby Baclid