Being a tropical country, Philippines experience its hottest period of the year around the month of March to June. During this dry season, also known as ‘summer’, visiting beaches and resorts are quite common and the go to activity of the people. In this article, we will share 10 similar activities to help you beat the summer heat and enjoy this hot and feisty season.
1. Drink your water

Staying hydrated is perhaps the most important thing during the summer. As you sweat excessively due to the heat this season brings, plenty of fluids are coming out of your body. You need to refill your body with as much fluids as you excrete. Water is by far the best option as it is free and sugar free.
2. Take an icy cold shower

Bathe yourself in a cold shower after you come home from work or exercising. This has to be a great feeling as heat is almost present at any minute of the day. Bathing helps your body to cool down and alleviate the irritation and stickiness that excessive sweating brings.
3. Go sleeveless and beat the summer heat
As cool as you look on that black shirt of yours, rip that thing off and go sleeveless if you’d like to survive the summer heat. Dark colored shirts particularly attract more light and heat. Wear light colored t-shirts or “sandos” to allow more breeze and cool into your body.
4. Clean your fans

Dirty and clogged fans are as good as no fans at all. Uncleaned fans emit weak airflow and won’t help you in your battle to overcome this summer heat at all. You can also try to optimize the location of your fans for a better wind chill effect. You can set your window fan face out at night to keep your room cooler and help you sleep better at night too. Moreover, a ceiling fan can really cool you down. This type of fan moves the air into the center of the room and create a more chilly effect.
5. Wake up early

The later it is in the morning, the hotter the day gets. That irritating feeling having been woken up by the scorching heat you feel in your skin is some special kind of hell you won’t be wishing to feel on a regular basis. The kind of heat that even fans or a ceiling fan can’t counter. Getting up early in the morning helps in avoiding that kind of situation. Walking earlier means you’d feel that last bit of morning breeze before the sun and hot air comes up. Plus, you’d get to be more productive for the day!
6. Turn that AC up!
Now I know this may not sound good for everyone reading this but if a moderate increase in the electric bill is something you can live by, then it is a no brainer to turn that air conditioning up to stay cool in the scorching summer heat. This is perhaps the easiest solution to our problem at hand but it isn’t technically ideal for all. Just imagine that cool air touching your skin as you’re contained in a room with air conditioner. Now that’s one way of beating the summer heat!
7. Beat the summer heat by staying under the shade

Not everyone spends the whole summer inside their home. If you catch yourself spending time outdoors more often than indoors, there’s really little you can do. It goes without saying that the best protection for the sunlight isn’t really that lotion with that SPF rating guaranteeing you of a protected skin. Stay under the shade folks! That’s the best protection against the harmful rays of that bright sun.
8. Try anything with “ice”

Ice, Ice, baby! Eat ice cream, ice packs, ice cubes, and even ice! Anything with ice is fun and would probably work in this battle to overcome summer heat. During the sweltering summer heat our body temperature rises, to stay cool it is important to have an easy access to anything ice. You can even make your own fresh fruit popsicles, so they are healthy to eat, and you can control how much sugar they have.
9. Beat the summer heat by keeping the heat out of the house
One better way of staying cool is to keep the heat out of the house. Avoid anything that could emit too much heat such as your oven or that turbo broiler you use on special occasions. You can use a rice cooker or microwave because they do not get as hot. Similarly, you can also cook outdoors if you have that luxury or eat cold soups, salads and sandwiches on certain days.
10. Take a dip and get wet

Last but not the least, as beaches and resorts are still yet to function and operate on full capacity, you can create or set up a mobile swimming pool in the comfort of your own front/back yard. Getting wet in cold water the key to getting cool even if it means dunking your feet in the kiddie pool. Drink something cold, and you will cool off inside and out.
As the current pandemic still poses a lot of restrictions and problems on our daily lives, the way we spend the summer season is surely affected as well. It is still best to stay indoors and enjoy summer at the comfort of your own home. Whatever you do this summer, remember to stay safe and hydrated. Follow these tips to have a more enjoyable summer.
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Written by Ohrwyn Phillip S. Bautista