The Pros and Cons of Multi-Generational Living in the Philippines

Multigeneration asian family

The demand for homes that can accommodate many generations has increased recently and is projected to keep rising. Many millennials are choosing to return to living with their parents after spending their early years chasing an independent lifestyle.

In the Philippines, it is not uncommon for multiple generations living together in one home. Families play a significant role in Filipino culture, and it is common for extended families to share a home. In the Philippines, this custom has been handed down through the ages. The Millennial and Gen Z generations are more eager than earlier generations to forge their own paths in life. However, due to a series of problems that began with the COVID-19 pandemic, a large number of individuals have been forced to return home.

In this article, we’ll discuss what a multigenerational home is, the reasons why multigenerational homes are rising again, the pros and cons, and some things to think about before making the leap.

What exactly is multigenerational living?

A multigenerational household is one in which members of three or more generations of the same family live under the same roof. Only families consisting of all biological members of the same household qualify under this criterion. It is common for multiple generations of an extended family to share the same home in the Philippines.

Many old people’s way of life is strongly rooted in multigenerational traditions, and their views, attitudes, and practices are entwined with those of the generations that came before them. It facilitates intergenerational bonds among families, which in turn enable them to face life’s challenges and celebrate its rewards as a unit.

There are pros and cons of multigenerational living, and if you are aware of both the positive aspects and the potential drawbacks, it will be easier for you to make an informed decision and to maintain a healthy and pleasant atmosphere in your house.

Why are multigenerational homes rising again?

People are encouraged to move back in with their families for a variety of reasons, including our culture’s strong emphasis on the importance of a family. Among these are the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic, problems with the economy, and the ever-increasing cost of housing across the nation.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a great deal of anguish and suffering into the lives of Filipinos. One of the first things it brought about was widespread unemployment among a large number of Filipino employees. The subsequent issue is the separation of members of the family that is caused by the quarantine for many different families.

Current economic problems, such as inflation, are also a significant component contributing to the problem. As a result of the unwanted increase in the cost of commodities, many people have discovered that it is more cost-effective for them to live with their parents so that they may share the burden of spending. Additionally, people are being forced to live in multigenerational households as a result of escalating housing costs.

5 Pros of Multigenerational Living

People may want to return home due to the aforementioned considerations, but the many benefits of the location are what keep them there for an extended period of time. The following are some of the advantages:

1. Increased quality time

Due to everyone’s hectic schedules, families will typically only come together once a year for the holidays. It is easy to lose touch with entire family members or to miss out on family gatherings when you live in various places, especially when you have families of your own. The most significant benefit of living under the same roof as your family members is the enhancement of their relationships with one another. Through doing tasks around the house, doing homework, and engaging in other activities as a family, you have the opportunity to share experiences, celebrate together, and to make more stronger family bonds.

2. Shared financial expenses

Multigenerational families might be an advantageous lifestyle choice. Given that there would be more individuals in the family to share the mortgage payments, electricity bills, homeowners association fees, maintenance costs, decorating costs and other living expenses, it is possible for there to be a large reduction in costs associated with this decision. When members of the family live under the same roof, they are better able to pool their resources and come up with creative solutions to financial conflicts or challenges to save money on every individual member of the family.

3. Ensure everyone’s security

Every member of the family can gain something from the social interactions that take place in houses that accommodate multiple generations. Due to the presence of their grandchildren younger in the home, older people who have this relationship are less likely to suffer from the feelings of isolation and depression that are so widespread among their generation. This ensures that there will always be someone in the family who is there to provide emotional support and unconditional love whenever it is needed.

Because members of multiple generations live under the same or one roof, there is rarely an extended period of time when the house is uninhabited. This ensures that there is always a member of the family around in the event that something unpleasant occurs.

4. Provide role models for children

Children who live in households with many generations have the reassurance that they will always have someone to turn to for assistance, no matter what the circumstances may be. The fact that there are family members of different ages enables this setting to serve as a model for behavior not only for children but also for adult family members. People in the home have as much to gain from the children as the children have to offer from the people they look up to for guidance and assistance.

When people of different generations share living quarters, everyone in the household has the opportunity to learn from the viewpoints and experiences of the other generations.

5. Responsibility sharing

Aside from the financial component, multigenerational households might share household responsibilities such as babysitting, washing the dishes, mapping, cleaning the windows and other responsibilities associated with the home. In addition, parents have peace of mind knowing that their children will be cared for by another person while they are absent from the home and set household rules for every family members.

Despite all of these advantages, there is one thing for which there is no substitute: the happiness that comes from spending time with one’s family. And how else could one accomplish this? Invest your time in productive pursuits under one roof.

5 Cons of Multigenerational Living

It is crucial to keep in mind that even though there are numerous advantages associated with multigenerational households, this living arrangement might not be the best fit for every family member.

It is not unusual for adult children and their aging parents to suffer conflict in their interactions with one another as a result of family tensions. Be sure to balance the benefits of inviting a family member to live with you against the potential disadvantages before moving forward with any preparations.

1. Family disputes may increase

Every person considers themselves an expert in something. When you live in a small space with other people, there is a greater chance that they will not be able to contain themselves and will offer you their unsolicited thoughts and more family tensions.

2. Additional Responsibilities

Before beginning to live a lifestyle that involves multiple generations living together, there is one more item to think about: the obligations and requirements of everyone who will be living together.

It is necessary to make choices and formulate arrangements regarding who will take care of an elderly person. In-home caretaker parents of younger children also need to be taken into account in this discussion.

It is essential to strike a healthy balance between the individual roles and responsibilities of each member of the family in order to prevent feelings of being overburdened.

It is common for many women who are adult children of middle age to take on many responsibilities within the context of multigenerational households. These female caregivers, who are commonly referred to as members of the “sandwich generation” because they care for both their young children and their aging parents, have the extra responsibility of sustaining the structure of their families.

Caregivers who are overworked and stressed out sometimes disregard their own time for self-care and respite in order to tend to the requirements of other family members. This well-intentioned behavior can swiftly lead to fatigue for caregivers and result in a wide variety of unfavorable effects.

3. A larger family size carries risks

When considering whether or not to adopt a lifestyle that caters to many generations, it is essential to keep in mind that more people typically result in a more satisfying experience.

However, larger families come with bigger risks. Unpreparedness for a lifestyle that involves multiple generations living can swiftly bring about disorder and derail any attempts at achieving intergenerational harmony.

Having a larger family also brings with it the reality that there is a greater potential for illness to be passed from member to member. There are only so many things that can be done to keep a sick family member contained and receiving care when there are numerous people living under the same roof.

Everyone in the family can help reduce the chance of sickness spreading to other members of the household, such as elderly relatives or people with compromised immune systems, by practicing good hand hygiene and adhering to other recommendations.

4. Generational conflict

People who were brought up in households with several generations may not be affected by this, but members of the family who are more independent-minded, such as Millennials and Gen Z, may find themselves in conflict with more conventional Baby Boomers and Gen X members.

5. Concerns About the Safety

Concerns about an elderly person’s overall health and the security of their medications are common. When you live in a multigenerational household, there is always someone else present, whether it be day or night.

The disadvantage of this is that potentially dangerous medications, medical equipment, or adapted devices are more easily available for minding young children, pets, and other members of the household. Without effective supervision, the family as a whole is at risk of suffering physical harm, to say nothing of the possibility of damaging valuable medical equipment.

4 Tips to Consider Upon Your Return to Your Multigenerational Home

There are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration in order to make it possible for us to live in a home that accommodates multiple generations, despite the fact that doing so presents a number of substantial problems. Some of them are as follows:

1. Make sure there is enough room for everyone.

There ought to be sufficient room to accommodate the requirements of each individual, such as a kitchen, a dining area, a bedroom, and so on. Aside from these shared places, you must also take into consideration the personal or private spaces that is allotted to each individual member in order to respect their privacy.

Also Read: Home Space Planning 101: Achieving a Balanced Space at Home

2. Consider elderly accessibility.

The family’s elderly members, pregnant women, and members with disabilities have to be able to enter the communal sections of the house.

3. Maintain design neutrality.

Everyone has their own unique preferences. It is important to make sure that the preferences of older people and younger adults are taken into account while designing the home in order to prevent arguments.

Also Read: Tips on Furnishing a Low-Budget Simple Home Design

4. Maintain open lines of communication.

Everyone in your home has unique needs and desires, and maintaining open communication is one way to help manage those differences and avoid arguments as a result.

A growing number of Filipinos are warming up to the idea of living in houses with several generations. Although there are many useful advantages to doing so, there are also some disadvantages that you need to take into consideration. However, there are steps that can be taken to ensure that multigenerational households are beneficial for everyone involved.

Affordable House and Lot

Meanwhile, if you are planning to invest and buy an affordable house and lot that would be perfect for your extended family, we can help you! Choose Bria Homes to find the best and most affordable house and lot for your dream multigenerational home.

For more details and inquiries, just visit the Bria Homes website and Like and follow “Bria Homes, Inc.” On Facebook.

Written by Alfred Alaba