Staying at Home during the Holy Week (Part 3) | Bria Homes affordable house and lot

Your Home during the Holy Week

Staying at the Comforts of your Home during the Holy Week.

Holy Week—some would see it as a long weekend where they could strengthen their relationship with God. Some may use it to go on a vacation, or even reunite with their family. One thing’s for sure, Holy Week for 2020 is not going to be the same as the previous years.

Because of the community quarantine, Filipinos will be having a hard time moving around cities. Likewise plans with friends or family may need to be rescheduled. Furthermore crowding in malls, churches, or any public spaces for that matter, is highly dissuaded.

But Nonetheless, one shouldn’t be limited in celebrating their Holy Week. Because you can still make the most out it at home. Here are some activities that you can do over the weekend in the comforts of your home.

Staying connected with the people that matter (in person)

Though social distancing has made this challenging, this difficulty can be lessened through connecting with people digitally.

During this difficulty, let us remember our friends, colleagues, and family members that may need someone to talk to. Checking up on them will make them feel that they are heard. That their worries are valid, and that they are not alone.

So, ring a friend or a loved one, be it through a telephone call, a video call, or even through text message, ask them “Kumusta ka?” You won’t believe how those two words can make their day. Catch up with them and share your thoughts and worries as well, remember that you too, are not alone in this adversity.

Stay connected with the people that matter

Be it online or through mobile phones, at the comforts of your home. Bria Homesknows the importance of having your own private space. Bria Homes offers multiple elegantly designed homes that are affordable for Filipinos from all walks of life. Not only does it offer high-quality homes, its communities offer clean public spaces, a covered basketball court, playground, and 24/7 security for you to feel safe. If you want to live in a clean and elegant home, then Bria is the place for you.