How to Ensure Proper Ventilation at Home?

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Ventilation has become an issue among contemporary Filipino homeowners.

During the summer, every house’s doors and windows are closed in favor of air conditioning to stay cool from summer’s warm air. Come rainy season, even if colder climates bear cool air, sometimes, people’s houses remain boarded up because the rain can be too heavy or the thunder might be too loud.

While there is nothing wrong with this behavior, inhibiting proper ventilation around the house due to the reluctance to keep windows open and rely on air conditioning can harm the home’s interior and eventually the home’s inhabitants.

Poor ventilation can lead to air flow being blocked from entering and leaving the house. With no air exchange, indoor air will not circulate properly, causing unpleasant smells, smoke, and cooking odors to linger around the house and stick to walls, making it damp. With excess moisture, damp walls become an environment for mold growth.

As homeowners, it is important to ensure indoor air quality. You do not want to rely so much on the air conditioner, you do not want hot air flow around the house, and you want as much fresh air flow instead.

Benefits of a Balanced Ventilation System

A house with good ventilation has various advantages, both for the health and comfort of the residents and for the general upkeep of the property.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Good ventilation aids in the removal of indoor pollutants, allergens, and smells from interior air, resulting in better air quality. It aids in the reduction of indoor air pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde, mold, and mildew, all of which can cause respiratory difficulties and other health concerns.

Health Benefits

Proper ventilation helps prevent moisture problems, which can lead to mold growth. Mold spores and damp conditions can trigger health problems like allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Good ventilation reduces the risk of these health issues and creates a healthier living environment.

Removal of Excess Heat

During hot weather and cold climates, effective ventilation helps remove excess heat and keeps the indoor temperature comfortable. This reduces the reliance on air conditioning, leading to energy savings and lower utility bills.

Energy Efficiency

By providing a continuous flow of fresh air, good ventilation reduces the need for mechanical cooling or dehumidification. This can result in energy savings and lower energy bills.

Comfort and Productivity

Proper ventilation contributes to a more comfortable indoor environment by maintaining a consistent supply of fresh air. Fresh air promotes better concentration, alertness, and overall productivity.

Overall, to accomplish proper ventilation, a mix of natural ventilation, such as roof vents,, doors, and windows. Moreover, you can utilize mechanical ventilation systems like exhaust fans and a Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system. Ventilation systems must also be maintained and cleaned on a regular basis to ensure peak performance.

Now that the upside of natural ventilation and fresh air flow has been established, here are ways to establish an efficient and eco-friendly ventilation system at home.

Methods of Improving Ventilation in your Home

Bring in Fresh Air

The best natural ventilation is bringing in as much fresh outdoor air for the whole house. Aside from the cost-cutting and comfort that outdoor air brings, fresh air can combat viruses—proper home ventilation is likely to keep its inhabitants safe from viruses.

For improving ventilation in your home, open doors and windows around the house. Open them as wide as you can if it is safe enough.

Of course, due to the threat of air pollutants—stale air, outdoor air pollution, and high humidity—you might need to close your doors and windows sometimes. Nevertheless, if good air quality is present, that is your sign to keep an open window and institute whole house ventilation.

One last suggestion to bring in fresh air for the whole house is to invest in fans. You must install a bathroom fan and have ceiling fans placed around the house.

Particularly in bathrooms and kitchens, where there is a lot of water and smoke, it is imperative to keep opening windows in these rooms and have a ceiling fan to control the moisture of these rooms and to invite fresh air.

Air Filtration

If your home has an HVAC system with air ducts that run throughout the house, do the following to help trap virus particles in exhaust system:

When you have visitors, set the HVAC fan to “on” rather than “auto” in houses where the fan activity may be regulated by a thermostat. This enables the fan to continue continually even when the heating or air conditioning is turned off.

Make use of pleated filters. Pleated filters, which are more efficient than standard furnace filters, are available at hardware stores. Replace the filter according to the manufacturer’s recommendations or seek expert assistance.

Replace your filter on a regular basis.

Exhaust Ventilation

Utilize exhaust fans in areas where moisture extract heat, and odors are produced, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. Turn on the fans while cooking, taking showers, or doing laundry to remove excess moisture, steam, and odors.

Exhaust fans that vent exhaust air to outdoors above your cooktop and in your bathroom can assist transport air outside. Although some stove exhaust fans do not vent air to the outside, they can promote air movement and inhibit virus particles from congregating in one location.

If you have company, keep the exhaust fan above your cooktop and in your bathroom turned on.

Keep the exhaust fans running for an hour after your visitors have left to assist eliminate any virus particles that may have remained in the air.

Avoid Blocking Vents and Seal Air Leaks

Ensure that furniture, curtains, or other objects do not obstruct vents or air circulation paths. Since dirt can build up quickly in vents, keep the vents clean and dirt-free. Blocking vents restricts airflow and hinders a balanced system of ventilation.

On the other hand, inspect your home for air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings. Even the slightest of crevices can affect a home’s ventilation system.

Just like how an air conditioner will have a hard time functioning efficiently if there are air leaks like a slightly open window, door, or cracked wall, the same thing goes with the whole house ventilation system.

Seal any gaps or cracks to prevent air leakage and poor ventilation in your home.

You must remember that specific ventilation requirements may vary depending on the climate, building design, and local regulations.

If you have specific concerns or need expert advice, consult with a professional HVAC technician or ventilation specialist who can assess your home ventilation needs.

Ventilation for the Family and the World

In all, what this all boils down to is bringing in fresh outdoor air inside the house. You must allow the air to enter by keeping your doors and windows open, by purchasing and installing fans and keeping your house clean.

By doing this, the air around your house is fresh and clean, making your loved ones less prone to sickness caused by potential mold growth around the house. Moreover, you may come to appreciate natural ventilation in lieu of air conditioning, making your energy bills less punishing for your wallet or budget.