Creating Nurturing Spaces for Children at Home

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Parenting is a challenging yet rewarding task as a parent. In the present moment, where many things can influence your children’s growth, it is ideal to practice mindful parenting. Make your kids’ early years safe and filled with a nurturing environment.

A safe environment is a wonderful way to start mindful parenting. There are no perfect parents, but giving your best to nurture and find a way to be physically and emotionally present for your kid will make them feel loved and cherished—that’s the goal!

Do not be overwhelmed and afraid to create a good environment and space for your children to grow. Instead, as many parents want, thrive to make their childhood filled with priceless memories by starting a nurturing space at your home.

If you’re one of the many parents who want a part in designing a home for mindful parenting, then this article would gladly help you to take a step toward achieving this.

Importance of nurturing spaces for kids at home

A child’s behavior is highly influenced by the environment they grew up with. So as a parent, it is essential to be aware of and recognize mindfulness in your house. Talking to them softly, considering their emotions, allowing them to play some fun, and, most importantly, creating a home that will be their fortress even when they become adults.

Mindful parenting is no joke, but rest assured that the benefit it can give your children and the whole family would not equate to anything. There might have some stressful situations parenting causes you. Nevertheless, the proper steps to achieve mindfulness for your kid’s sake will create a nurturing environment for them—and that is probably the best thing you can teach them.

So to get things straight, here are the reasons why a nurturing house is ideal for your kids.

1. Home will be their very own fortress

Growing up always comes with stress, whether in school or with friends. So for your children to have a nourishing home will give them a place where they can peacefully stay because they know it is a dedicated space that can bring them comfort.

2. You get to spend time with your kids

Most adults forget that practicing mindfulness in their kids is also an opportunity to spend time with them. You can seize the chance to look at your child’s eyes and connect with them so that they will feel the same.

3. You can serve as a role model to your kids’

A child’s behavior is highly influenced by the people in your home, especially their parents. As other says, “Children are great imitators, not listeners.” So if you want to teach your children a great sense of responsibility, you can start by showing them the right behavior you can acquire by practicing mindful parenting.

How to practice mindful parenting in your home

As parents, you always want the best for your children. However, your ability to solve problems at home and balance the stress may take a toll on you and sometimes cause you to forget mindful parenting. In cases like this, allow yourself to be reminded again to create a home that will nourish the growth of your kids.

Here’s the list of things you and your family can apply to focus on your children’s well-being.

1. Take care of yourself

Before anything else, part of taking care of your children is making sure that you are okay—whether emotional or physical. In this way, your kids will see your composed self. Because promise, as a parent, every action you do will be stuck in the mind of your kids.

2. Be interactive

As numerous parents want, teach your kid to be cooperative and have a sense of responsibility by being interactive in your home. Aside from school, teach them to have the initiative to do things, for example, cleaning their room.

3. Give value to their emotions

It is in kids’ nature to have a variety of emotions. And remember to respond appropriately to their emotions. If they’re happy or sad about something, let them because it is natural. Do not intervene in what their feeling.

4. Monitor your child’s behavior

Of course, to begin mindful parenting, it is essential to know your children. The things they want and dislike, for example, food. Learning this can help you respond appropriately to their actions and achieve mindful parenting in a certain way.

5. Allow them to be an explorer

Children always want to try new things, and as a family, you need to give them the freedom to do so, but of course, with proper guidance. If they love writing, participate in sports at school, or be connected with nature, then let them be. After all, they are at the perfect stage of their lives to be free and enjoy things.

Home design that creates nurturing space for your children

Aside from what your family must do to have a healthy environment for your little one, home design is also essential in achieving this.

1. Incorporate plants in your home

If you notice, children with access to clean air can safely play in their backyard. And having plants, for example, wheatgrass, aloe vera, and rubber plant, can help purify the air in your home. Not to mention that it will also make your home look more aesthetic.

2. Paint new wall color

If you focus on your surrounding, paint colors bring liveliness to your home. So choosing a paint wall color may help you build an atmosphere that is children friendly. It will also add comfort to your home due to the ambiance it will give.

3. Go with soft and soothing materials

In the present, where several materials are available on the market, it is recommended to opt for soft and soothing materials for your family, especially your children. In this way, you can relax and sit comfortably with your kids.

The significance of location for parents to practice mindfulness

Locations matter if you want to raise your children right! In many years, their exposure to the surrounding will undoubtedly influence their emotional growth. There is no perfect parent; however, you can give an ideally perfect home for your kids to grow.

Fortunately, BRIA Homes have the same goal as you. They do not only promote self care for parents but also a mindfulness practice for your children. You can choose from a house and lot for sale or a condominium that Bria offers. Although regardless of your choice, one thing is for sure: your kids’ childhood will be filled with memories they can treasure until they grow up.

Let your children learn to thrive in an environment where they can express themselves freely. At the same time, allow them to explore the world, starting at the ideal neighborhood available at Bria Homes. Do not be overwhelmed by your busy schedule, that you will settle in a mediocre location to raise your kids. Bria is there to help you in learning mindfulness parenting.

Indeed, prioritizing the sake of your children wouldn’t equate to anything in the world. Doing this in your home is a chance never to be missed. Notice how your kids grow fast, so cherish each moment and be aware of what you can do to nurture the environment while they’re young.

That said, in creating a surrounding ideal for your child, you might as well choose a location ready to nourish your little one. Don’t stress yourself to find the perfect residential place for this because Bria homes are available in several places in the Philippines, such as Cavite, Tarlac, Pangasinan, Leyte, and Davao. You can practice mindful parenting with your child wherever you are.

Visit Bria Homes and let the sustainable surroundings help you to make up your mind!