6 DIY Relaxation Techniques

Stress Management Techniques

After a long day of work, many of us refer to relaxation as sitting on the couch and watching TV. It does little to reduce stress, though. But, instead of simply lying down, you ought to trigger your body’s natural relaxation reaction, a state similar to deep sleep that lowers blood pressure, decreases heart rate, slows breathing, and brings harmony to your body and mind. Do exercises for relaxation such as tai chi, yoga, and others that involve deep breathing, meditation, and rhythmic movement that can help you to relax.

One of the most efficient ways to reduce stress is to learn how to use strategies that promote both forms of relaxation. Many people make an effort to block out their stress in the hopes that it will pass quickly. Stress can sometimes catch you, unaware guard. Knowing when you need to rest because of too much stress is crucial.

Both physical and mental health must learn how to manage stress. Physical and psychological strain are both produced by stress, and these tensions can reinforce one another. Both psychological and emotional tension and physical tension can augment one another.

Contrarily, unwinding your mind can help you physically unwind and release tension in your body, and relaxing your body can assist in reducing psychological stress.1 When your stress reaction isn’t activated, it’s much simpler to tackle problems proactively and peacefully.

While you might decide to spend money on a professional massage or acupuncture session, for instance, the majority of relaxation techniques can be performed independently or with the help of a cheap smartphone app or a free audio download. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that not everyone responds well to a particular relaxation technique. We are all unique. The strategy that appeals to you fits your lifestyle, and can help you concentrate so that you experience relaxation is the perfect one. That implies that finding the technique (or techniques) that work best for you may need some trial and error. Once you do, consistent practice can help lower regular tension and worry, enhance sleep, increase energy and mood, and generally improve your well-being.

Whether you struggle with anxiety or just need to unwind occasionally, taking regular breaks to breathe and halt can be very beneficial for your health. It is feasible to lessen tension and anxiety, and it can only take a few minutes per day. Listed below are the relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.

Common Relaxation Techniques

1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation

People who use the progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) technique can learn to relax every muscle in their body. Up until the entire body has attained a state of relaxation, this is done one muscle group at a time.

To practice, people first relax their facial and head muscles before moving down until they reach their feet. People can accomplish this relaxation more quickly with constant practice until it seems like a wave releasing tension as it sweeps down their bodies.

2. Relaxation of mind and emotions

Your ideas and feelings are a part of how you experience stress. You can feel afraid and believe that you can’t manage the difficulties you’re dealing with well. These can go along with the stress response and perhaps amplify it. Reexamining your thoughts can frequently make you feel more emotionally at ease.

If you can learn to unwind as you deal with your pressures, you can better comprehend your thoughts and break this pattern.

  • Positive self-talk replacing negative self-talk
  • Making a thanksgiving list to draw strength from your blessings
  • Identifying your cognitive distortions, including “should” statements, labelling, overgeneralizing, focusing on the negative, leaping to conclusions, and all-or-nothing thinking, and learning how to remedy them
  • Taking part in an everyday spiritual activity to promote mental health
  • Finding creative outlets that make you feel calm and content, whether that be through music, art, crafts, or simply coloring
  • Keeping a journal to examine your experiences
  • Learning how to reframe ideas will help you interpret potential sources of stress in a less distressing way.
  • Attempting to become more optimistic

3. Guided Imagery

You’ll use your imagination to help you achieve profound serenity throughout this relaxation technique. You might wish to do this in the morning or when you close your eyes right before bed. Try to refrain from doing it when you need to be focused. It’s crucial to pick a time of day when you won’t be disturbed by people, technology, or loud noises.

If you’re not used to mental imagery, you can first struggle. Consider starting with a less complicated scenario. Think about how you would feel if you were sitting on a beach and listening to the waves come and go. In guided imagery, you imagine a peaceful setting where you are free to let go of any tension and anxiety. This is a variant of traditional meditation.

You can use an app or audio download to help you with your guided imagery exercises or you can practice on your own. You can also decide to execute your visualization in complete silence or with the use of listening aids, such as calming music, a sound machine, or a recording that corresponds to the location you’ve selected, such as the sound of waves on a beach.

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4. Breathing Exercises

Stress reduction with breathing exercises can be really beneficial. People often breathe quickly and shallowly when they are stressed or anxious. It can be beneficial to practice deeper, slower breathing to reduce the body’s stress reaction.


A significant source of stress relief is exercise. Physical activity can assist in reducing emotions of tension and anxiety when presented with an acute stressor. Over time, engaging in regular physical activity makes people more stress-resilient.

Regular exercise can be obtained in a variety of ways, including joining a sport, going on daily afternoon walks, or enrolling in fitness classes. 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise and two days of muscle-strengthening exercise are advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

5. Self Massage

You are surely aware of the important advantages a professional massage at a spa or fitness facility can have on reducing stress, reducing pain, and reducing muscle tension. You might be surprised to learn that you can enjoy some of the same benefits at home or at work by massaging yourself or trading massages with loved ones.

Read Also: 26 Tips to Create a Relaxing Spa-like Bathroom

If you need to unwind before going to bed, try giving yourself a little massage at your desk in between tasks, on the couch after a hard day, or in bed. To aid in relaxation, you can use scented products like lotion or essential oils, or you can combine deep breathing exercises with self-talk.

6. Self-massage for five minutes to de-stress and anxiety

For best results, combine your strokes to loosen up your muscles. Use your hands’ edges as soft chops, or tap with your fingers or palms cupped. Apply fingertip pressure to any knotted muscles. Knead across the muscles while attempting long, gentle strokes. Any body part that is within easy reach of you can receive these strikes. Try concentrating on your neck and head for a brief session.

Although it’s simple to pick up the fundamentals of these relaxation techniques, consistent practice is necessary to fully unlock their stress-relieving potential. Consider scheduling at least 10 to 20 minutes per day for relaxing. Schedule some time in your day. Plan to practice once or twice a day at a specific time, if you can. If you already have a full schedule, consider doing some meditation while riding the bus or train to work, having a yoga or tai chi break over lunch, or engaging in mindful walking while walking your dog.

Written by Denielle dela Torre