Air pollution at home; 7 Tips to prevent it

Air Pollution at home thumbnail

We are all exposed to a variety of health risks in our daily lives being exposed to pollutants pose varying degrees of danger. Some risks cannot be avoided. Some we choose to accept because doing otherwise would limit our ability to live our lives as we see fit. And some are risks we might choose to avoid if we had the opportunity to do so. One risk that you can mitigate is indoor air pollution. Did you know that the air inside your house can be polluted as well? Indoor air pollution can be more harmful to your health than outdoor air pollution.

How is air pollution caused at home? Pollutants from everyday life can enter your home’s air in a variety of ways. Some are carried in by the breeze, while others are carried in unwittingly by you. Polishing agents such as varnish, nail polish, and hair sprays should only be used outside where there is adequate ventilation. If these activities must be carried out indoors, they must be well-ventilated because they emit volatile organic compounds, which have been linked to a variety of health problems including lung problems and cancer. Multiple strategies must be used to remove impurities.

How is air pollution caused at home?

The primary source of indoor air quality problems in homes is pollution from sources that emit gases or particles into the air. Inadequate ventilation can raise indoor pollutant levels by failing to bring in enough outdoor air to dilute emissions from indoor sources and failing to transport indoor air pollutants out of the home. Additionally, high temperatures and humidity levels can raise pollutant concentrations inside your home.

There are numerous household air pollution examples. Gas, kerosene, coal, oil, wood, and tobacco products are examples of combustion sources. As well as asbestos-containing insulation, wet carpet, cabinetry or furniture made from certain wood products, and household cleaning, maintenance, and personal care products. Heating and cooling systems, humidifiers, and outdoor sources such as pollution and pesticides are also included. Because most people associate pollution with factories or automobiles.

How to prevent air pollution at home?

Eliminating or reducing individual sources of pollution is the most effective way to improve indoor air quality. Asbestos-containing sources, for example, can be sealed or enclosed. Others, such as gas stoves, can be modified to produce fewer emissions. Because increased ventilation can raise energy costs, source control is often a more cost-effective method of protecting indoor air quality than increasing ventilation. Indoor air pollution may appear to be an intractable problem, but there are ways to reduce pollutant levels. To help reduce indoor air pollution, use the checklist below.

1. Proper ventilation is essential.

Proper ventilation is one of the most important ways to reduce indoor air pollution. Proper ventilation aids in the removal of polluted indoor air and the replacement of it with fresh, clean air from outside.

How is air pollution caused at home? These pollutants can accumulate to dangerous levels in poorly ventilated indoor spaces. This is especially important in homes that are tightly sealed to save energy. Inadequate ventilation can also lead to carbon dioxide buildup, which can cause dizziness, headaches, and fatigue.

2. Maintain a clean and dry indoor environment.

Maintaining a clean and dry indoor environment can help reduce indoor air pollution. This is particularly important in areas prone to mold and mildew growth, such as the kitchen and bathroom. Furthermore, any leaks or water damage must be repaired as soon as possible to prevent mold and mildew from growing.

3. Use HEPA filters

What exactly is a HEPA filter? HEPA filters, which stand for high-efficiency particulate air, can reduce indoor pollution by effectively removing pollutants such as mold spores, pet dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke. The filters can be used in a variety of applications, including vacuums, air purifiers, and heating and cooling systems.

4. Make use of eco-friendly cleaning products.

Many common cleaning products contain hazardous chemicals that pollute indoor air. Choose green cleaners made from natural ingredients such as white vinegar, baking soda, borax, citrus fruit, and essential oils to avoid this. These natural ingredients are non-toxic and effective for cleaning surfaces and removing dirt, dust, and grime.

5. Plants for indoors

Keeping indoor plants is an efficient way to reduce pollutants in the home. Indoor plants clean the air by absorbing pollutants and emitting oxygen. Furthermore, by increasing humidity and decreasing dust levels, indoor plants help to improve indoor air quality. If you don’t know how to care for indoor plants, you can read this article from Bria Homes – Your Ultimate Guide to Watering Indoor Plants to learn how to properly care for indoor plants while also eliminating indoor pollution.

6. Select low-emission building materials and furniture.

When designing or renovating indoor spaces, it is critical to use low-emitting building materials and furnishings. These materials and furnishings produce fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are dangerous chemicals that can pollute indoor air. Bamboo, wool carpets, and latex paint are examples of low-emission materials and furnishings. Purchasing sustainable home furniture may appear to be more expensive at first, but it is a far more cost-effective option in the long run. The majority of environmentally friendly furniture pays for itself throughout its useful life.

7. Make use of air purifiers.

An air purifier can protect you from indoor air pollution by removing pollutants such as dust, pollen, mold spores, pet dander, and as previously stated, household air pollution examples. VOCs, carbon monoxide, and other hazardous chemicals can also be removed by air humidifiers. People with allergic respiratory symptoms who used air purifiers used less medication. If you suffer from allergies or hay fever, keeping an air purifier in the room where you sleep or work can be extremely beneficial, as it will keep the allergen load in the air as low as possible, reducing your symptoms.

Read also: What are Purifiers and How do They Work?

In conclusion, it is critical to eliminate indoor pollution because the relative importance of any single source is determined by the amount of a given pollutant it emits and the hazard of those emissions. In some cases, factors such as the age of the source and whether it is properly maintained play a role. In terms of household air pollution example, a poorly adjusted gas stove can emit more carbon monoxide than a properly adjusted one, posing a risk to anyone’s health. And what are the consequences of these household air pollution examples? The young, the elderly, and the chronically ill, particularly those with respiratory or cardiovascular disease, are frequently the most vulnerable to the effects of indoor air pollution.

When you know you’re doing it correctly, eliminating indoor pollution is a simple task. Following these simple guidelines will save lives and establish you as a responsible homeowner. Bria Homes provide daily news updates about the current situation outside and provide every Filipino with an affordable home that meets their needs. Feel free to visit Bria homes – News & Updates to learn about their most recent event.

Written by Mark Anthony Seña