What Should be your House Orientation according to Feng Shui?

Compass direction for house orientation based on feng shui

When it comes to designing and building a house, many factors come into play, including aesthetics interior design, functionality, and structural integrity. However, in addition to these considerations, the ancient art of Feng Shui offers insights into the energy flow and harmony within a home. One crucial aspect of Feng Shui is house orientation, which refers to the positioning of a house in relation to its surrounding environment. In this article, we will explore the significance of house orientation in Feng Shui and provide tips for achieving the best house orientation in the Philippines.

Read Also: Do’s and Don’ts in Decorating Your Home According to Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui, which originated in China over 3,000 years ago, emphasizes the balance and flow of energy, known as “Qi” or “Chi,” in our living spaces. According to Feng Shui principles, the orientation of a house determines the quality of energy that enters and the life energy that circulates within it. Properly aligning a house can harness positive energy and create a harmonious living environment. Let us delve into some essential aspects of house orientation in Feng Shui.

How can you figure out your property’s facing direction?

There is a tremendous legend associated with both doors and windows in the ancient tradition of Feng Shui. It has long been assumed that positive as well as negative energy may enter a home by means of the doors and windows of your home. Because of this, they were constantly guarded by supernatural patterns, symbolic artifacts, colors, and so forth. To know your house’s feng shui direction, you will need a compass. Traditional feng shui schools use the common compass directions of north, south, east, and west. The orientation of the house on the compass dictates which portions of the house correspond to which element. You can use a sophisticated feng shui compass, but your smartphone’s compass will suffice. After that, you stand on your front door or doorstep, peering out the window. When you glance out the window, the facing direction is the direction with which you and your house are facing. The compass’ pointer indicates the facing direction and degrees.

A home’s facing orientation must not be muddled up with its sitting direction, which is exactly the other way around. The facing direction is the area in the front that faces the “yang”, active energy, but the sitting direction is more essential since it is the spot with the greatest “yin”, calm energy. Your Trigram is determined by your sitting direction. Assuming the facing direction is south, the sitting direction is north.

House Orientations in the Philippines:

In the Philippines, as in many other countries, the principles of Feng Shui are often applied when designing and positioning homes. The climate is predominantly tropical in the Philippines, hence, the ideal house orientation takes into account the prevailing weather patterns, such as wind and sunlight conditions. Here are a few considerations for house design and orientation in the context of Feng Shui:

a. North and South Axis Orientation

Traditionally, the orientation of the house is determined by the compass directions. In Feng Shui, the most auspicious direction is considered to be the north, followed by the south, east, and southeast. These directions are believed to bring positive energy and good fortune. Ideally, the front and back of a house should face north and south, respectively. This alignment allows for optimal exposure to natural light throughout the day. Additionally, it minimizes the direct impact of the sun’s heat during the hottest hours, making the living conditions in the house more energy-efficient and comfortable.

b. Wind Direction

The Philippines experiences strong winds during certain seasons. It is beneficial to position the main entrance, doors, and windows to face the direction of the prevailing winds. This allows for natural ventilation, cooling the interior naturally and improving air quality.

c. Natural Surroundings

Take into account the landscape and surroundings of the property. Avoid building a house in low-lying areas prone to flooding or any location with negative environmental features, such as cemeteries or waste disposal sites. Choose a site with pleasant views, natural light, and positive energy, such as open spaces or lush greenery. The presence of mountains or bodies of water can influence the flow of energy and impact the Feng Shui of the house.

In addition, it is generally recommended to avoid building houses facing directly south, as this direction is associated with the hottest part of the day and can receive strong sunlight. Additionally, houses facing directly west can also be exposed to harsh afternoon sunlight. These directions are believed to bring in negative energy and may impact the overall harmony of the house.

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d. Personal Birth Element

Another factor to consider in Feng Shui is your birth element, based on the Chinese zodiac. Each person has a favorable and unfavorable element, and the orientation of the house can be adjusted accordingly to enhance personal luck and well-being.

Read more here: Feng Shui Tips to Attract Good Fortune to Your Home this Chinese New Year 2023

House Feng Shui Tips:

a. Entrance Placement

The main entrance of the house is considered the “mouth of Qi” in Feng Shui. Ensure that it is well-lit, spacious, and free from obstacles. A wide and inviting entrance allows positive energy and light to flow into the house, attracting good luck and opportunities.

Minimize direct door and window placement as it causes rushing energy and also refrain from placing a lot of doors and windows lined in a row that leads to weak energy. According to any great feng shui principle, the aim is a drifting smooth, and balanced flow of energy, thus avoid producing rushed energy forces or weak energy patterns in your home.

b. Balancing Elements

Feng Shui emphasizes the harmony of the five elements—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water—in the living space. Choose the appropriate colors, materials, and decorations to represent each element. For example, incorporating wooden furniture and vibrant plants represents the wood element, while using metallic objects, such as floor lamps, symbolizes the metal element. Strive for a balanced representation of these elements throughout the house.

c. Room Placement

Different rooms have varying energy requirements in Feng Shui. For instance, the bedroom should be in a quiet and private area to promote restful sleep. Avoid placing the bedroom above the garage or near the kitchen, as these areas generate excessive energy and can disrupt sleep patterns. The kitchen, on the other hand, represents abundance and nourishment, so it should be well-lit and clean to create good feng shui.

d. Declutter and Organize

A cluttered and disorganized space obstructs the flow of positive energy. Regularly declutter and clean your living space to maintain a harmonious environment. Get rid of unnecessary items and other clutter to create a space that promotes relaxation and productivity.

e. Water Features

Water is a powerful symbol of life, wealth good energy, and abundance in Feng Shui. Consider incorporating water features, such as fountains or aquariums, in your garden.

Read also: Do’s and Don’ts in Decorating Your Home According to Feng Shui

Final Words

The perfect orientation is achieved when you create balance among natural lighting, wind water breeze, and several other important factors. Other factors to consider while constructing a home or planning renovations include the local climate, view, topography, vegetation, street access, and noise. You must weigh them against the advantages of utilizing the warmth of the sun for heating and winds for air cooling. If you sacrifice good orientation to take advantage of aesthetics, you may still be able to maximize energy efficiency at home by incorporating elements such as direct sunlight and strategically located doors and windows.

It is important to note that while these are general guidelines, Feng Shui is highly personalized, and a comprehensive analysis would require the expertise of a professional Feng Shui consultant who can consider specific details related to your property and personal circumstances.