The Art of Sacred Geometry in Home Design

geometry in home designs

When we were in college, learning about studying sacred geometry and creating harmonious space was a meaningful experience. As we went deeper into the topic, we found an interesting universe of geometrical patterns, ratios, and symbols that have long been treasured for their natural beauty and spiritual value.

“Sacred geometry is the study and discovery of geometrical patterns, shapes, and proportions that have spiritual meaning in different cultures and traditions.”

The exploration throughout the study of sacred geometry exposed us to numerous cultural and historical contexts. We discovered its importance in the art of ancient civilizations including Egyptian, Greek, and Islamic.  Additionally, We gained knowledge of geometrical shapes including the circle, square, and triangle as well as their symbolic benefits in other cultures and traditions. We studied ideas such as the Golden Ratio, which is considered to be the standard for perfect proportions and harmony in design. We learned that sacred geometry in home design is far beyond aesthetic. It can provide a sense of calmness, balance, and resonance inside a single space.

In this article, the approach in creating harmonious space will continue to influence the knowledge and understanding of sacred geometry in home design.

Golden Ratios and its Proportions

Humans have been fascinated by the golden ratio, commonly referred to as the divine proportion or the golden mean, over time. It comes from the Fibonacci sequence, which is a set of integers where each number is the sum of the two numbers preceding it (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on).

The golden ratio can be used to produce visually pleasing and harmonious space in home design. The theory states that a specific ratios of height, width, and length can produce a space that is more aesthetically good. Approximately 1:1.618 is the ideal ratio between these dimensions. It occurs commonly in nature, such as in how plants develop patterns, how leaves are arranged on stems, and how shells and flowers are proportioned.

For example, if we consider a room’s width into consideration, the right ceiling height should be about 1.618 times the width. Similar to how the width should roughly be 1.618 times the length of the room. The golden ratio is a guideline that could be modified and perceived according to personal preferences and realistic aspects rather than an unbending rule. It could be used to a variety of elements related to home design, including furniture placement, architectural features, and artwork arrangement, to create an eye-catching and balanced space.


Symmetry is an important concept in interior design that could transform a place into an inviting setting. Homeowners can create a sense of order, formality, and visual interest by intentionally placing components in a balanced and mirrored way. Leveraging your home’s current architectural features is one of the quickest ways to embrace symmetry. Whether it’s columns, symmetrical windows, or built-in bookshelves, these features offer a strong basis for constructing a balanced design. You could emphasize their symmetry and provide a nice focal point by placing furniture or other decorations in the middle of these features. To ensure a dynamic and unique home that reflects your personal style, keep in mind to balance symmetry with other design ideas and features to provide depth and diversity.

Sacred Symbols and Patterns

Throughout history, sacred patterns and symbols have been praised for their deeper meaning and the sense of harmony they convey. These patterns and symbols are frequently used into interior design to provide a setting that is sacred, noteworthy, and in balance with the deeper facets of our life. Here are some examples of how sacred symbols and patterns could enhance the atmosphere and energy of your home’s interior by means of home design.

1. Mandalas

Mandalas are complex geometric designs that symbolize the universe and how everything is interrelated. They represent harmony, solidarity, and balance. These beautiful patterns provide a focal point that encourages reflection and consciousness, whether through wall art, carpets, decorative pillows, or window  curtains.

2. Yantras

Yantras are considered sacred geometric patterns that can be traced back to the early Hindu and Buddhist religions. They are thought to offer positive energy to a spot in a home to balance out negative energy since they are visual representations of divine energies. Pair the yantra wall art with contrasting materials like candles, incense, or plants to make a more comprehensive and harmonious design.

3. Om Symbol

Including Om symbol wall art in interior design is a great and significant approach to bring peace and spiritual importance into living spaces. The Om symbol, which signifies for both the universe and ultimate truth, acts as a center for encouraging awareness and relaxation. It promotes a stronger connection to one’s inner self and the spiritual world by being placed in ideal spots that provide a calm atmosphere.

Natural Elements and Forms

A sense of calm and serenity is created through integrating natural forms and elements into home design. You can create a space that feels connected to the beauty of nature by incorporating natural elements like wood and stone, earthy color schemes, indoor plants, maximizing natural light, and embracing patterns and textures found in nature. Integrating outdoor living spaces, nature-inspired art and décor, water features, and biophilic design principles will let your home’s natural beauty shine even brighter and promote a feeling of relaxation and well-being.

Energy Flow and Balance

In order to create an environment that is balanced and contributes to general well-being, energy flow and balance are important factors in home design. A number of factors must be taken into account to achieve a harmonious energy flow.

First and foremost, you need to keep your space organized and clutter-free since objects can hinder the flow of energy. Open Spaces that facilitate free movement and energy flow are also necessary. In addition to producing a lively ambiance, maximizing natural light and fresh air through windows and ventilation also encourages good energy. A balanced setup that promotes a smooth energy flow can be achieved by carefully placing furniture.

Energy balance is significantly influenced by color psychology. The energy equilibrium of the space is enhanced by selecting colors for each area that express corresponding vibe. Warmer tones can deliver a cozy and welcoming feeling, while soft and calming hues like blues and greens encourage an unwinding and serene state of mind. Additionally, yin and yang energy should be balanced, with a combination of softer and more structured parts, to promote overall energetic balance.

Exploring sacred geometry in home design is a comprehensive approach that integrates a variety of elements in creating harmonious space. By considering the Golden Ratios and Proportions, Symmetry, Sacred Symbols and Patterns, Natural Elements and Forms and Energy flow and balance, we unleash the ability to design homes that not only satisfy the eye but also feed the soul. Each of these elements work in harmony to create an extensive and transforming experience that enables us to live in a sanctuary that fosters balance, serene, and a closer connection to both the self and the natural world.

Written by Sheryl Ann Damgo