Make the most out of the internet as a real estate agent


Unique. Original. Remarkable. When you spend a significant portion of your time traveling to meet with customers and leads, it can be challenging to come up with real estate marketing ideas that are applicable on a daily basis and satisfy all of the intended path.

In the current housing market, real estate agents are starting to realize that they need to use internet marketing to attract potential buyers. Where do the majority of people begin their search for a new location to call home? Of course, I’m talking about the internet. In recent years, there has been a significant development in the marketing strategies used to promote real estate. There is a shift occurring away from traditional marketing strategies such as newspaper advertisements and flyers and toward contemporary marketing practices such as social media. Every year that goes by brings new opportunities for you to think an unique real estate marketing ideas to maximize or to make the most out of the internet as a real estate agent and also to differentiate yourself from the competition and stick out from the crowd.

Fortunately, we listed unique real estate marketing ideas and how to make the most out of the internet as a real estate agent. These marketing ideas will help you develop a successful marketing plan, regardless of whether you are just starting out as a real estate agent or are an experienced real estate agent who is looking to attract new clients.

1. Make your real estate website mobile-friendly and improve how it works

Why do you feel the need to have a website? A website provides you with full control over the image of your brand and enables you to exhibit your work without requiring you to depend on the services of another individual’s platform. (like Facebook). Your website should include contact information for inquiries about purchasing or selling a home, as well as testimonials from customers who were happy with the service they received.

Because your website serves as the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy, it is essential to maximize it for search engines as well as potential customers. Ensure that your website is accessible via mobile devices as well. Websites pertaining to real estate must have a responsive design in order to function properly on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets in addition to desktop computers and notebooks.

You should optimize the substance of your website for keywords. Your entire site should make use of pertinent keywords in headlines, descriptions, body copy, and titles; however, you should avoid overusing keywords. Make natural use of keywords throughout your writing. Examining the content of other real estate websites that have achieved a high ranking is the most effective method to find out what people are looking for online and the keywords that you should incorporate into your own content. Once you have an understanding of the most common words, you should start using them in your own writing.

2. Real estate blogs

Your blog should serve as the primary internet marketing tool that you make use of as a real estate agent. Your blog is where you will regularly share the content that you have created that is both the most pertinent and the most informative. When you keep up a blog that routinely contains information that is both original and interesting, you demonstrate to potential customers that you are an authority on the subject matter of your business.

Because most real estate agents in your area don’t put much effort into their online presence, you’ll be able to differentiate yourself from the competition by maintaining a blog. In addition to this, if you consistently produce relevant content that responds to the questions that your potential customers are asking, the search engines will reward your website with a better ranking. This indicates that it will be simpler for your potential customers to find you.

3. Create email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is a great way to remain in touch with your audience and drive traffic to your website. Make a list of potential consumers and leads on your email client. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways for real estate agents to contact potential customers, and it is one of the most cost-effective methods as well. The vast majority of users check their email at least once per day, with many doing so multiple times. You should add a sign-up page to your website so that visitors can provide their email addresses and sign in to receive your newsletter. Then give them relevant content regularly through email newsletters (at least once per month) (at least once per month). Offer something free that is relevant to your customers in order to encourage signups.

4. Include social sharing buttons on property listings.

Homebuyers are concerned to share their favorite housing pics with their friends and family, so make it simple for them to email and share various properties online by including social sharing buttons on your website.

5. Collaborate with local companies.

Make use of the relationships that you have in the community to promote listings by forming partnerships with businesses such as clothing boutiques, home decor showrooms, and coffee shops, and then inviting those businesses to take part in open house events. Set up pop-up shops in the various areas of the house to attract potential customers to your open house in a manner that is both creative and distinctive.

This encourages prospective buyers to investigate each room, and you can work with local businesses to determine discounts on goods that can be provided to customers who buy homes from you.

Tips for Creating Real Estate Content on Social Media

You can connect with prospective real estate clients and get your name in front of people who are searching for an agent by making use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. They also make it possible for you to connect with other pertinent parties, such as builders, banks, and mortgage brokers, so that you can exchange ideas with one another regarding the best ways to market your services and bring in new customers. It is challenging to manage a large number of social media platforms at the same time, which is particularly true if you are a busy real estate agent. Pick the one or two that feel the most natural to you.


It is still one of the most popular social media sites, and it offers real estate agents a fantastic opportunity to network with existing customers as well as those who may become clients in the future. Growing your clients can be facilitated by posting regular updates on new properties, open houses, and recent transactions. In addition, it can be also possible to increase your followers on your social media or business account.

Also Read: BRIA House and Lot Nearly Doubles Facebook Followers via Digital Marketing


It is yet another fantastic platform that real estate brokers and agents can utilize to interact with clients and prospective purchasers. You can provide your followers with guidance and recommendations regarding the present market conditions, in addition to sharing industry news that may be of interest to them.


TikTok is a new platform that is being adopted across all business sectors, but it has the potential to be especially useful for real estate agents, particularly given the fact that users prefer content that provides a look behind the scenes. In addition, users of TikTok do not anticipate material to be of a high quality or professional grade, which is even more advantageous for real estate agents who can simply use the camera on their phone while they are on-location to record a video.


Real estate agent  have the ability to establish a business account on Instagram and include call-to-action (CTA) buttons on their profiles. These buttons allow users who visit a Realtor’s profile to communicate with the Realtor via the platform, send an email about a property image that piqued their interest, or take advantage of other individualized options.


It is currently one of the social media sites that is expanding at the quickest rate. It is also a wonderful way for real estate agents to develop their brand by sharing photographs of homes or neighbourhoods that they believe would appeal to their ideal customers. In this fast-paced environment, the more pins you have, the better your prospects are of building visibility for yourself or your business.

Because it enables you to communicate with a greater number of people at a lower cost than conventional methods of advertising, social media should be an integral component of any modern marketing strategy. However, if you don’t know what you’re doing with social media, it can be detrimental to your company rather than beneficial. Before diving headfirst into the action without any prior planning or preparation, you should make sure you have a solid understanding of how each platform operates.

Things you should know about using social media for real estate

1. Going online for open houses and virtual showings.

This is something that real estate agents can do on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. One advantage of going live is that the videos can be saved and then shared on your profile at a later time, providing an additional type of material.

2. Answering questions from the audience.

You can interact with your audience and build a rapport that leads to working relationships when you use any of the social media platforms. This makes them an ideal place to answer questions from your target demographic.

3. Expose success stories and feedback from satisfied customers.

You can use user-generated content to establish legitimacy and credibility with your audience by sharing customer testimonials, which you can do across all platforms. Sharing customer testimonials is a great location to start.

In the nutshell, having an active internet marketing presence is absolutely necessary to boost your business account and website and help you make the most out of the internet as a real estate agent.

If you produce content that is of genuine assistance to your prospects in their hunt for a new residence, they will be more likely to employ you as their real estate agent. Ultimately, If your online marketing campaign is successful, it will help you get more leads and turn more of those leads into customers.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for more relevant contents and information on how to become successful as a real estate agent, visit our official website at Bria Homes and Like and follow “Bria Homes, Inc.” On Facebook.

Written by Ronald Alaba