7 Possible Reasons Why Your Floor Tiles are Popping

Broken floor tiles

Floor tiles are one of the most important components of your floor. It is not just about aesthetics, but also about durability and safety. Tiles are unlike any other sort of flooring that is available for purchase since their deterioration and occurrences are unlike those found in numerous other types of flooring. You will find several flooring alternatives for both homes and workplaces. Flooring is available in a range of shades, finishes, and components. Nonetheless, tile flooring remains one of the most preferred flooring alternatives for both home and business spaces. Furthermore, there are several more benefits to tile flooring compared to other flooring alternatives. These do not need polishing or finishing like marble floors yet, these provide a comparable polished effect. Unfortunately, noticing floor tiles that have popped up the floor or are elevating like a “tent-like” shape has become a typical issue homeowners have in various areas around the house such as the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. So why do your floor tiles pop up? It often takes homeowners by surprise since popped-up tiles appear to take place for no apparent cause. This article aims to assist you to unravel what causes tiles to pop up after a number of years by providing a few possible explanations.

Read also: Home Flooring Guide: Marbles or Tiles?

What does “tile popping” mean?

The manner in which tiles popping is a typical flooring issue. A ‘tent-like’ bulge in the floor occurs when floor tiles begin to rise from their original position and press surrounding tiles in opposition to each other. As a result, the other tiles get pressed together. When tiles are taken out of the floor and crack, they make a ‘pop’ sound. Hence, this is the origin of what is known as “popping” tiles. A tile may break when it pops. For this particular instance, a new tile must be purchased and placed to repair your floor. Assuming the tile does not break apart, you can reuse it to repair your floor.

Floor tiles may pose a possible hazard to homeowners in the event they happen to be moved and break unexpectedly. Should you mistakenly step on a popped tile, you might gravely injure your foot. Hence, it is useful to know the many reasons why tiles pop up at home.

Why do your floor tiles pop up?

The main reason what causes tiles to pop up after several years is because of an underlying instability in the tile itself. This can happen when a tile becomes damaged or weakened, which means there is more risk of it breaking or cracking if it is already weak. With that, below is a list of possible reasons why your floor tiles pop up:

1. Poor installation by a contractor

Poor installation by an incompetent contractor is the number one reason why tiles pop up. If your tiles are too thin or have been installed incorrectly by an inexperienced DIYer/contractor then this will make them more susceptible to damage from foot traffic such as scuffs and scratches which may turn into bigger issues if left untreated over time (especially if people walk barefoot). It is important to have a good underlayment, with proper thickness and quality. In addition, you should make sure that you have the correct type of underlayment material (e.g., plywood).  You can also reduce the chances of cracking by using thicker boards than those recommended by manufacturers for your specific situation, as well as ensuring that they have been properly cured prior to installation on top of existing subflooring or carpeting.

2. Moisture damage

Another major cause of why tiles pop up is moisture damage. Moisture can infiltrate through cracks in the floor and cause them to expand, which makes them more likely to break. Moreover, tiles can pop up when the glue that holds them together breaks down or when they’re exposed to moisture after being submerged in water. Most tiles have a moisture barrier on their backside that prevents this from happening, but some manufacturers do not use this feature, so you may have to install one yourself if your tiles do begin to crack or break off easily.

3. Over-watering or inadequate drainage in your home’s foundation

One of the most common causes why tiles pop up is over-watering or inadequate drainage in your home’s foundation. If there isn’t enough space for air to circulate around the soil under your house’s foundation and seep into it through cracks in the foundation walls, then all kinds of problems will arise like cracking foundations, leaking pipes, and other structural issues.

4. The poor condition of your underlayment

In relation to the aforementioned cause, an underlayment is a material that is used to protect the surface of your floor from moisture. It can be made from a variety of materials, including asphalt and concrete. Because it is designed to keep water out, it should be replaced every 2-5 years, depending on how much use you put your floor through. If you are using a material that is not suitable for this, it will likely cause damage to your flooring. This can be anything from scratches to stains and cracks.

5. Inadequate floor tile cleanup

Another reason why tiles pop up is a buildup of dirt or grit on the surface of the tile. If you have a floor that has been exposed to lots of foot traffic, dirt may build up on its surface and prevent it from fitting properly into its groove. In order to ensure that your floor stays in good condition, periodically clean it with a vacuum cleaner so that any dirt trapped within the grooves can be removed without damaging them further.

6. Changes in environmental conditions

The direct contact of your floor tiles with sunlight induces severe temperature changes. Warm as well as chilly temperatures might trigger tiles to stretch out and shrink too quickly. The abrupt changes in size lead to a deficiency of bonding throughout the tiles and the concrete. Hence, a spike in pressure formation over a period of time will cause the tiles to be susceptible to popping apart.

7. Unlevelled flooring

Another potential root of why tiles pop up is poor and uneven flooring. Under such circumstances, air pockets might readily form beneath the tile. Furthermore, the tile might not rest correctly over the flooring, resulting in poor adhesion between the tile and the ground beneath it.

In a nutshell, the previous section is a summary of a few key elements about what causes tiles to pop up after several years. If you are still worried about your floor tiles, then call an expert or a professional who can help you with any issues related to your flooring project.

Read also: A Simple Guide in Choosing the Right Floor Tile for Your Home

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Written by MC Sanchez