5 Tips for a Quick Mental Health Break at Home


Everyone deals with varying levels of stress differently. There is plenty of stress to go around with high inflation rates, personal troubles, as well as local and global conflicts that arise every day. When you feel that your stress levels have reached their breaking point, you might feel reckless for taking the time off from work, school, and other responsibilities. However, experts say that this is a sign to take a quick break or even a mental health day to reset and regain your balance.

We have all heard that mental health is crucial to our well-being, thus, it is important that you properly know how to take care of your mental health. Taking a day off goes beyond ignoring your workload and sleeping in. It is your choice to either spend the day outdoors if you have the budget to do so or opt for inexpensive options you can do in the comforts of your own Bria Homes house and lot, condominium unit, or community. Read below everything you need to know about mental health activities and tips to de-stress and recharge.

Why is our Mental Health Important?

Mental health is a state of well-being that involves emotional, psychological, and social aspects. This affects a person’s capacity to think, feel, act, and handle stress. It also determines how you can relate to others and make healthy choices at every stage of life, from childhood to adolescence, and ultimately, adulthood. Having good mental health increases productivity and allows you to create meaningful contributions to society.

Meanwhile, having poor mental health is not synonymous with mental illness. A person diagnosed with a mental illness can also experience periods of well-being. Mental health problems come and go over the course of one’s life and they could affect thinking, mood, and behavior. There are numerous factors contributing to this, such as biological factors, family history, and negative life experiences, among others. This is common but help is available to people dealing with mental health problems for them to get better, heal, and recover.

How can you take care of your mental health?

Considering the role that mental health plays in each aspect of your life, it is important that you improve and take care of your psychological wellness. There are different circumstances and risk factors that can cause mental distress and in order to combat them, we will dive into the following practices that can keep your mental health in its best shape.

1. Sleep the day away

The first thing that comes to mind when taking a day off is getting enough sleep. Taking a mental health day means not setting an alarm, sleeping in, and even taking mid-day or afternoon naps. It is a “today I don’t feel like doing anything” moment as you watch television in your pajamas for hours, eat your favorite comfort food, and savor the joys of being at home, as long as you remember that it is not an everyday thing.

Meanwhile, getting a good night’s sleep should not be a rare occasion, as it is vital for your physical health and productivity. You can accomplish more tasks with better focus and concentration if your body is alert during the day when it needs to be most active. This can be accomplished by practicing a consistent sleep schedule that should be 7 to 8 hours at the optimum time.

2. Let’s get physical

Engaging in physical activities can improve your mental health. This is commonly linked to improving moods and decreasing anxiety and depression. It is best to move your body at some point during the day, may it be doing a simple workout routine at home, going to the gym, or walking around the Bria Homes community.

There are plenty of benefits to exercise, such as the simple act of breathing, reducing stress, and helping you clear your mind. Beyond that, you can also practice yoga in-person or online, dance, do stretches, try out a new sport, and go on nature hikes. Do not pressure yourself, instead, find mental health activities you look forward to and feel comfortable doing.

3. Journaling your journey

Journaling is the act of writing your thoughts and emotions on paper or digitally. There are numerous types of journaling for anxiety and mental well-being, such as art journaling, collage journaling, gratitude journaling, and stream-of-consciousness journaling, to name a few. This will help you figure out how you feel and improve your focus through mindfulness.

In line with this, you can also use your journal to set the goals you want to achieve, whether it is academically, professionally, or personally. Write down steps you need to do but be realistic so that you can stay on track as you progress toward your goal. Additionally, mindfulness can also be supplemented with meditation and prayer. In fact, research shows that meditation can help you feel calm and improve your state of mind.

4. Declutter your space

Design a mental health day that is focused on you and the things that can make you feel better. If doing chores is therapeutic for you, then do it. Accomplishing a task can reduce negative emotions and can make you feel more at ease. While you are at it, decluttering can also be good for you, in terms of reducing anxiety and thinking clearly.

For the plantitos and plantitas out there, you can do home gardening and spend your mornings or afternoons working outside and getting your hands dirty. Pull up weeds, plant flowers, and tend to your garden in your backyard. Start your own family garden in the spacious area of your Bria Homes house and lot to spend more time outdoors and reconnect with nature.

5. Go out on a date

Surround yourself with good people and keep in touch with loved ones even if they are far away. Make plans and meet up with your support systems, such as family members and friends. This can be a simple lunch date, coffee catch-up, or a whole day dedicated to spending time with the people closest to your heart. You can also seek out activities and go to places where you can make new social connections. Remember that strong and healthy ties, as well as social nurturing, are good for your mental health.

Do you need a mental health day?

Ask yourself the following questions – Do you feel fatigued and tired when you wake up? Are you irritable and unable to focus? Have you lost interest and motivation in doing the things you love? If your answer is yes to any or all these questions, we suggest that you take a mental health day and make the most out of it.

In order to stay present during your time off, you might also want to unplug from social media and start a digital detox. By being uninterrupted, you will be able to pay attention to your emotions and get in tune with your mind and body. It is also important to practice gratitude on a daily basis in order to keep your balance. Lastly, hold yourself accountable in prioritizing mental health. Now that you know how to take care of your mental health, you must commit to the habit of staying mentally fit with new experiences, activities, and adventures to partake.

Written by Gianne D. Inumerable