What is toxic mold and what can it do to you?

Toxic Mold Clean Up

Although mold is a common issue in many homes, not all mold is the same. Black mold, often known as toxic mold, can seriously endanger the health of both people and animals.

What’s toxic mold?

It’s a fungus that can grow in your home and cause serious health problems, including respiratory problems and skin irritation. Toxic mold can also make you sick by releasing a number of toxins into the air. You might be wondering why toxic mold is so dangerous, or how it can harm your health. If the symptoms below sound familiar to you, you are probably suffering from toxic mold exposure. I’ve compiled a list of things that have made me sick, as well as more information about what toxic mold can do to you.

Although not everyone is affected by black mold in the same way, individuals who are allergic or sensitive to the spores may have symptoms including congestion, red eyes, respiratory problems, skin rashes, and so on. In some cases, an infection may occur.

It is constantly providing and even exists in the atmosphere. In general, exposure to normal amounts of mold in the environment does not pose a major risk of health issues for healthy people with a functional immune system.

What Causes Black Mold?

Mold fungi may live years in the dry without being seen, thus they are nearly constantly present in our environment. Formerly dormant mold spores can develop when the conditions are ideal. In humid, dark environments, mold thrives. Mold growth on walls commonly occurs in the ideal atmosphere caused by water leaks and moisture issues. Here are some things you should know about toxic mold can cause to you:

  • Residing in a high humidity. Mold can grow more quickly in your home if the relative humidity is more than 50%.
  • If the conditions are right, mold can develop almost anywhere: in carpet pads, behind walls in the frame, on soap-coated grout and other damp surfaces, in basements, and even in the carpet itself. High quantities of indoor mold might worsen mold allergy symptoms.
  • Working or residing in a structure that has had excessive moisture exposure. Leak pipes, water leakage during rainfall, and flood damage are a few examples. Almost all buildings eventually experience some sort of excessive moisture, which can promote the formation of mold.
  • Living in a residence with poor ventilation. Mold can grow easily in spaces with tight window and door seals because they keep moisture indoors and restrict sufficient ventilation. The most vulnerable places are damp areas, such bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.

What Can Toxic Mold Do to You?

If you have toxic mold on your property or in your house, this could make you sick with a variety of symptoms, including headaches, skin rashes, asthma attacks, coughing, chest discomfort, and other flu-like symptoms, as well as nausea, vomiting, weariness, and other flu-like symptoms. If you have asthma or any other breathing issues, it can be very harmful since the mold can release spores that can provoke an attack. An allergic reaction to the spores may also result in these symptoms in addition to skin hives or itching that resemble eczema or psoriasis. When the spores produce more spores later on, this reaction might not itch at all until you come into contact with them again. We will talk about what toxic mold can do to you and how it affects human health in this article.

The Health Risks of Toxic Mold

Many health conditions, such as respiratory problems, headaches, exhaustion, and skin irritation, can be brought on by toxic mold exposure. In extreme circumstances, it may result in neurological issues or even death. Toxic mold can have serious health effects on people of all ages, but it affects people with low immune systems, infants, young children, and elderly people the most.

Due to the fact that poisonous mold frequently resembles other varieties of mold, identifying it might be challenging. Yet, there are a few indicators that can help you spot dangerous mold. Usually black or dark green in hue, toxic mold smells musty. It can flourish in moist, warm environments like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. It’s crucial to get your home tested if you think you might have dangerous mold there. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now links toxic mold (mycotoxins) to immune dysfunction and disease.


Mold allergy treatment is comparable to allergy treatment for other airborne allergens. Options consist of:

  • If possible, stay away from the allergen
  • Lowering the indoor humidity level
  • Removing carpet and installing flooring that won’t trap moisture, especially in a basement
  • Use antihistamines
  • Utilizing nasal sprays with steroids or antihistamines
  • Applying eye drops

Immunotherapy is one option that a doctor may suggest as a long-term treatment. This entails receiving several allergy shots over the course of several years.

Immunotherapy can be effective, but it is only suitable for certain types of mold allergies.

How to Prevent and Remove Toxic Mold?

Preventing toxic mold from growing in your home is the best way to protect your health. You can prevent toxic mold by keeping your home dry and well-ventilated. Fix any leaks or water damage immediately and use a dehumidifier in damp areas. If you do find toxic mold in your home, it is important to remove it as soon as possible. You can remove small amounts of mold yourself using a solution of bleach and water. However, if you have a large amount of toxic mold, it is best to hire a professional mold remediation company.

  • Using a commercial mold removal product, hot, soapy water, or a solution of 1 cup bleach to 1 gallon of water to remove apparent mold growth from hard surfaces. Bleach shouldn’t be combined with other cleaning supplies.
  • Removing and throwing away soft or porous materials, such as wallboard, insulation, or carpets, that exhibit mold growth
  • Cleaning while wearing safety gear such as rubber boots, gloves, and goggles

Tips: Air purifiers can help by reducing molds and bacteria in the air.

Read also: How to Prevent Moisture Build up and Mold Growth During the Cold Weather?

If you suspect that you have toxic mold in your home, it’s important to take action immediately. Contact a professional mold remediation company to assess the situation and remove the mold safely. Avoid touching or disturbing the mold, as this can release spores into the air and make the problem worse. If you experience any symptoms of toxic mold exposure, seek medical attention right away.

According to a recent study, exposure to black mold is not more harmful than exposure to other types of mold. Mold exposure is unavoidable because the spores are constantly in the atmosphere. Any exposure to mold may result in allergy symptoms in large doses or in allergy sufferers. It could result in more severe problems in those with underlying medical disorders. Whatever the mold kind, it must be removed from the house for hygienic and health reasons. Anyone who is worried about how mold can affect their health should consult a physician.

Written by Kat Bermudez