Safety Alert: Learn First Aid Treatment for Emergencies at Home


                Our home is considered to be one of the safest places to stay as it is our haven and comfort space. However, our home specifically our kitchen is no exception for accidents to occur. According to the National Accident Helpline’s study, a startling 60% of people have sustained injuries in their kitchens alone. Also, the majority of injuries suffered by elderly people have been shown to take place in our households. Commonly, these injuries involving older persons were thought to be caused by falls, followed by being hit or struck, being struck, and being crushed, cut, or punctured. So, before you get totally comfortable around your house, bear in mind the basic first aid procedures that can help save lives or a finger or two. Knowledge regarding first aid treatments and having a list of first aid essentials are necessary to keep everyone in your home safe and away from serious harm caused by unprecedented mishaps.

                For starters, first aid is the term used to describe medical care that is typically provided at the scene of the injury and shortly after it happens. It frequently consists of a single, brief treatment and is carried out with little help from technology or special expertise. It is highly encouraged for everyone to learn a thing or two about basic first aid procedures as it may help alleviate any situations where immediate care is needed. Here are some common injuries with their required basic first aid practices that can easily be learned by anyone and will be useful at home and even in an outdoor setting.

  • Scrape or Cuts
    • Cover the area firmly with a clean towel and apply pressure until the bleeding stops, which could take three to 15 minutes.
    • Use warm running water to wash and then gently pat dry.
    • Apply a thin coating of antibiotic ointment if the skin is broken, then wrap with a bandage, gauze, and adhesive tape.
    • Call your doctor or go to the emergency room if direct pressure fails to stop the bleeding after numerous tries.
    • Consult a doctor right once to treat the infection if the incision looks to be developing or draining pus or if it gets large, sensitive, or redness around the area of injury.
  • Burn
    • Hold the injured area under cold running water right away or cover it with a cold, wet towel until the pain goes away.
    • Any minor blisters should be taped or covered with gauze and a loose bandage.
    • Call a doctor as soon as possible if burns are on the face, hands, or genitals, or if they’re larger than 1/4 inch anywhere on the body.
    • Avoid using cold compresses on burns that cover ten percent or more of the body; instead, dial 911 and stay warm until aid arrives by wrapping oneself in a clean sheet or blanket.
    • DO NOT self-pop any blisters.
    •  If the skin splits, dab on some antibiotic cream and bandage or cover the wound with gauze until it heals. Keep an eye out for any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, discomfort, or discharge.
    • If the injury looks rooted, go to the Emergency Room.
  • Eye Injuries
    • Gently run a stream of warm water over your eye while stooping over the sink. Flushing it out continuously for up to 15 minutes.
    • If your eye has been cut, avoid washing it or pressing on it.
    • If it feels as though something is stuck in your eye, avoid rubbing, pressing, or trying to remove it.
    • Call the emergency hotline or call your doctor if the first aid procedure doesn’t ease the eye injury.
  • Splinter
    • Wash the area around the splinter with soap and water.
    • Pull the splinter out slowly using a pair of tweezers that have been cleaned with rubbing alcohol.
    • Wash your skin again to avoid infection.
    • If you come across a difficult-to-remove fragment, give it a day or so to see if it will dissolve on its own.
  • Insect Sting/ Insect Bite
    • If a bug leaves a stinger, carefully remove it by scraping the skin with your fingernail without damaging it.
    • Avoid using tweezers since doing so could make the stinger to release more venom, further injuring you.
    • If you experience difficulty breathing, cough, hoarseness, hives, or swollen lips or tongue, call your doctor right away.
    • If the skin is not damaged or scabbed, use 1% hydrocortisone lotion or a topical antihistamine to relieve irritation.
    • If you think a tick bit you, call your doctor right away. They might wish to get tested for Lyme disease and other illnesses spread by ticks.
  • Sprain and Strains
    • The initial step in treating a sprain, strain, or tear is to restrain the injured area, elevate it, and use ice and compression to lessen the swelling.
    • A trip to the hospital can be necessary if a strain is followed by excruciating pain, edema, or discoloration.
    • Rest, apply a cold compress, and anti-inflammatory drugs will aid with the healing process in milder situations.
  • Accidentally swallowed a poison
    • Get the poison out of the child’s reach.
    • If the substance remains in the child’s mouth, instruct him or her to spit it out or remove it with your fingers. Keep this, as well as any other evidence of what the child has consumed.
    • Don’t force the child to vomit.
    • Do not follow the poisoning warnings on the packaging. These are frequently out of date. Instead, contact your child’s doctor or a poison control center right away for assistance.
  • Choking
    • Encourage them to cough and clear any visible obstructions from their mouth.
    • If the first step fails, deliver 5 sharp back blows – assist them in leaning forward, supporting their upper body with one hand. Give them five sharp back blows between their shoulder blades with the heel of your other hand.
    • Stand behind them and wrap your arms around their waist for 5 abdominal thrusts.
    • Make a clenched fist with one hand between their belly button and the bottom of their chest.
    • Grab your fist with your other hand and pull sharply inwards and upwards up to five times. Check to see if the obstruction has cleared or if anything is in their mouth after each back blow.
    • Repeat the 5 back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts cycle until help arrives, checking their mouth each time.
    • Prepare to begin CPR if they become unresponsive at any point.

These are just some of the most common injuries and accidents that may happen at home. Learning their corresponding first aid treatments can help save lives and prevent the severity of the situation. Aside from learning basic first aid procedures, it is also important to gather first-aid essentials in one place around the house. Either create a first-aid kit, medicine cabinet, or first-aid essential box. Placement around the area of the house is also very important. Make sure that these essentials needed for first aid procedures can easily be accessed by anyone and are not hidden in the corners of the house.

In connection to this, the interiors of the houses offered by Bria Homes were intricately designed in such a way that emergency essentials such as a fire extinguisher, fire sprinkler system, and first-aid cabinet can easily be installed. Not only does Bria Homes offers affordable houses and lots but also offers houses that are designed in consideration of its dwellers’ safety. Local citizens and OFW who are planning to invest in housing projects or bank housing loans should consider signing with Bria Homes as it does not only offer affordable houses and lot but also housing projects that are strategically located near hospitals, healthcare centers, and established business establishments. This strategy allows those who live in Bria Homes to go to the nearest medical facilities in case of emergencies especially when first aid procedures and treatment do not work in favor of the victim.

By Noelyn Kate O. Cabrera