Himalayan salt lamps and how to maintain them at home

Himalayan salt lamp

A Himalayan salt lamp is a health product that is made from natural pink salt crystal rocks that are indigenous to locations closer to the Himalayan range. These rocks are used to construct the light. They are meticulously handmade so as to preserve the inherent form and beauty of the item. The large pink Himalayan salt rock emits a warm pink glow and has a distinct look that creates a lovely atmosphere when a light bulb is placed inside of it. The peaceful atmosphere, pinkish, amber-colored glow, and especially the appearance and sensation provided by the glowing Himalayan pink salt lamp are all things that a lot of people really enjoy aside from decoration.

How do Himalayan Salt Lamps actually work?

Salt lamps are thought to be beneficial to one’s health because they are “natural ionizers,” which means that they change the electrical charge that is present in the air that is being circulated. This is the reason for the belief that salt lamps are beneficial. Ions are charged particles that result from an imbalance in the amount of protons or electrons present in a substance, which gives the particle a positive or negative electrical charge. When changes occur in the surrounding environment, the air itself serves as the organic source of those changes’ development. Ions can be created in the atmosphere by a wide variety of natural processes, including waterfalls, waves, storms, natural radioactivity, air, and heat, to name a few.

How to use a  Himalayan Salt Lamps Effectively?

Possibly you are wanting to purchase one of our Himalayan Salt Lmps, or perhaps you have just already purchased one for other reasons. In any scenario, if you want to get the most out of your brand-new pink crystal salt lamp, you really need to know how to use them in the most effective way as possible. If it is not treated or use it properly, your salt lamp will blow its bulbs regularly, and even worse, it will not provide you with any of the health benefits that it was intended to. This is one of the primary reasons why you use salt lamps, right?  The best way to get the most out of your salt lamp is to leave it on all the time. Salt lamps are hygroscopic and attract water. This implies they tend to gather and “leak” water; we talked more about it here. A little leakage is typical and nothing to be concerned about, although it’s preferable to keep your lights dry if possible. Leaving your lamp on will keep it warm, and any water that gathers will evaporate quickly. Salt lamps do not consume a lot of energy, so don’t be concerned about increasing your power bill by leaving it on. However, if you live in a humid location, this will not be enough to keep the lamp from becoming wet.

Keep an eye out for cracks in your salt lamp.

When your bulb flickers a lot, it usually signifies that your lamp holder which supports the bulb or the cable itself is broken. In this situation, we recommend purchasing a new salt lamp cable that fits in electrical requirements. Any bulb you put into an old or broken cord will blow, so replace the cord first, then the bulb for safety purposes.

How to Take care of Himalayan Salt Lamps?

Himalayan pink salt lamps, like anything else, require your attention and care to preserve their lifespan. Here are some easy yet effective care suggestions to maintain your salt lamp in good condition for as long as possible. So, let’s get started:

  • While a Himalayan Salt Lamp may provide peace to any space, it should be kept away from any surface where water could come into contact. Never submerge it in water, and never clean it with any kind of soap.
  • Make certain that the salt lamp’s bulb receives the proper voltage. The bulb may diffuse if the voltage is too high.
  • While experts may argue that a Himalayan Salt Lamp is inherently self-cleaning and does not require cleaning, it is usual for a salt lamp to accumulate dust over time. To keep your lamp looking new and clean, wipe it down with a gently moist microfiber towel as necessary. To be safe, make sure you unplug it first!
  • You should clean your Himalayan salt lamp on a regular basis using a moist towel. Turn off and disconnect the light first. Make sure it’s not too moist or the salt will dissolve. Then, using a dry microfiber towel, pat it dry.
  • Since salt lamps take moisture from their environment, they should not be placed in damp parts of the home such as the bathroom, patio, or lawn. If the lamp becomes moist in a humid climate, just clean the surface with a microfiber towel. You may also use it to evaporate dampness.

How to Prevent Salt Lamp Leakage

Salt lamp leaking—why? Salt lamp owners frequently report it. Based on local humidity, Himalayan salt lamps absorb moisture. If the salt lamp is off for a long time, the extracted moisture drips out. If you don’t dry the lamp, the water can be an electrical or fire threat. The Himalayan pink salt lamp is the easiest approach to halt the leaks. If the moisture doesn’t drip, use a larger light bulb to warm the salt. Floating candles help keep the salt lamp base warm and dry. Turning on the Himalayan pink salt lamp is the quickest and easiest approach to halt or prevent the leak from occurring. If, on the other hand, the moisture does not leak, you will need to make use of a more substantial light bulb in order to keep the salt heated. In addition, you can surround the salt lamp with floating candles to maintain a warm and dry environment around the lamp’s base.

How Do You Remove Residue from a Salt Lamp?

The usage of a bulb with a high intensity in a salt lamp, in conjunction with living in an exceptionally dry climate, causes the salt lamp to lose water molecules, which can lead to flaking. As a direct consequence of this, you will see that the salt lamp has remnants of salt accumulating around its base. There is no reason for concern because the residue can easily be removed from the salt lamp by wiping it down with a moist cloth. In addition, you may maintain the proper moisture balance by turning on the lamp during the day and turning it off at night. This will prevent the skin from being overly dry or vice versa. It is recommended that you leave it on for close to 16 hours. There is no need to be concerned because salt lamps do not require a lot of electricity. Salt lamps are available for purchase in a variety of sizes, allowing you to select the perfect one for any given space.

How Long Can a Salt Lamp Be Left on at One Time? 

There will be a greater capacity for absorption and attraction of moisture in the salt lamp when the light bulb is turned off. Sometimes condensation will form inside of your salt lamp, and some of the moisture will not entirely evaporate. The majority of users have found that leaving the lamp on continuously throughout the day and night eliminates any issues related to dampness. You should try to leave your salt lamp on for a minimum of sixteen hours in order to evaporate any moisture that may have accumulated in the lamp.

What is the Best Location for a Salt Lamp?

It is not required that a salt lamp be placed in a particular location at all times. It is possible to position them in a variety of settings such that they can deliver all of the benefits described above. However, there are some locations in which you will be able to make better use of the characteristics of the bulbs than you will in other settings.

Here are some possible locations for your salt crystal lamp:

House Rooms

Since your room is where you go to unwind and get some rest, this is the ideal location for your salt lamp because of its ability to help you do both. You are welcome to place it on the nightstand that is located next to your bed. The low level of illumination will ensure that you are not bothered by it. You won’t have to worry about breathing stale air when you’re trying to catch some shut-eye because the entire space will be filled with clean air. In a similar manner, the bedroom of your child is an important location to take into consideration. Children, particularly those who are still quite young, have a propensity to be terrified of the dark and, as a result, will insist on sleeping with the light on at all times.

The Living Room

Because the living area is where you spend the most time with your family, putting a pink Himalayan salt lamp in it is a terrific idea. It will not only keep you warm, but it will also aid to prevent the effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted by electrical devices.

In the Office

Your office or workstation is likely the second location where you spend the most of your time. You may avoid the tension that your work can cause by using a salt lamp because it will clean the air and give you other benefits. In a similar manner, the usage of computers and several other forms of electronic devices is extremely common in these kinds of settings. In addition, you will feel better overall, and you will have the energy you need to carry out your responsibilities in a manner that is both effective and efficient.

Hotels and Dining Establishments

In the lobby or dining room of a hotel or restaurant, a Himalayan salt lamp may create a warm and inviting ambiance while also emitting a calming scent. In addition, while visitors wait for their turn, it features exquisite design and lighting that is precisely suitable.

What Are the Advantages of Having a Himalayan Salt Lamp in Your Home?

When it comes to the advantages that are most readily obvious, we can point out the appealing style that these lamps offer as a result of the warm and muted color that they possess. Additionally, it helps to create a soothing atmosphere so that all of the members of the family may feel at ease. Here are some benefits of having a Himalayan Salt Lamp in your home:

Purification of the Air

That is the benefit associated with Himalayan salt lamps that gets the most attention, and it is one of the reasons why people choose to get one. They contribute to cleaning the air by removing dust, cigarette smoke, and other pollutants while the process is in progress. The hygroscopic is what allows for the cleansing to be completed successfully. That is to say, it draws in and absorbs water molecules as are dispersed throughout the air in the same way that it does any undesirable particle that may be present in them. Then, as the light bulb heats up, those water molecules will evaporate into the air, while the salt will be responsible for holding dust particles, smoke, and other contaminants.

Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

In many instances, positive ions decrease the amount of oxygen and blood that reaches our brain, generating abnormal conditions when it is time for bed. As was mentioned previously, Himalayan salt lamps are natural generators of negative ions and can help mitigate the effects of this issue. One should be aware that a salt crystal lamp does not produce nearly as many negative ions as a generating machine would. This is an important distinction to make. On the other hand, it assists in maintaining a clean environment and combating the presence of positive ions, both of which contribute to a more restful night’s sleep.

Allergy Reliever

When the salt goes through the hygroscopic process, it draws all of the particles that are floating around in the air, such as dust, fungi, smoke, and other types of pollutants. These particles are eliminated when they become stuck to the pink salt that is in the lamp. Patients suffering from asthma or allergies will benefit from this. Read also our related article about

Meanwhile, if you are looking for an affordable house and lot that are perfect for your growing family and also a perfect home for your Himalayan salt lamps, check out Bria Homes as your home of choice. And if you are wondering and thinking about decorating your home, read our complete guide to give your affordable Bria House and Lot a new look with anesthetic décor ideas.

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Written by Alfred Alaba