Does Your Home Need A Backup Generator?

Plugged gas generator

Storms, accidents, and power outages are all things that can happen. When that time comes, will you be left to fend for yourself in the shadows, or do you have other options? One of these alternate options is the use of backup generators. There are several varieties, each with their own unique price, but in the end, they show to be beneficial. In the event that the power is cut off for reasons of public safety, the standards that are enforced by your air resources board should permit you to utilize your backup generator. Before you rent one, buy one, or use one, you should do some study first so that you are prepared with the necessary instructions and recommendations for operating your backup generator at home.

Why Should You Buy a Backup Generator?

Before a storm actually hits, it is hard to anticipate what kind of damage it will cause to your property because storms are so unpredictable. It is possible for there to be a power outage during any storm, and it is also possible for there to be a power outage at any time for other reasons, such as the breakdown of equipment or damage to the equipment caused by trees and wildlife. A backup power generator protects your home or business from the adverse consequences of a power blackout by providing a temporary source of electricity for several days following a natural disaster. The operation of essential systems and appliances in your home, such as the sump pump, can be maintained by backup generators, thereby reducing the risk of flood damage. Before you go out and buy a backup generator, you need to do some calculations to determine whether or not it will be worth the money for your unique circumstances. If you live in an area where severe storms, flooding, or prolonged power outages are typical, buying a backup generator could be a worthwhile investment to save you thousands of dollars in repair costs in the event of a disaster.

How to choose the right generator?

When trying to choose a generator for your home, you have three options available to you:

1. Standby or whole-house generator

Standby or whole-house generators are designed to smoothly restore electricity to the entirety of a home in the event that a power loss occurs. These generators are hardwired into the electrical infrastructure of the home. When the electricity goes out, standby or whole-house generators kick on immediately, continuing to power the appliances and systems that are necessary for daily living in your home. These could include, among other things, your lights, television, telephone chargers, television, air conditioning, and heating systems. They could even include your home security system. In the event that your power is off for an extended period of time, you are able to preserve the comforts to which you are accustomed while also safeguarding your property and your supplies of food and water. Diesel or natural or propane gas are the kinds of fuel that are utilized the most frequently by a generator that powers an entire house.

Benefits of standby or whole-house generator

In addition to ensuring that the power stays on in the house, standby and whole-house generators provide further advantages. When the electricity goes out, several essential appliances and devices will stop working, such as refrigerators, medical equipment, and heating services, among others. Because backup and whole-house generators are so dependable, you can protect your loved ones from harm during a power outage while also ensuring that your food won’t spoil, the pipes won’t freeze, and that you’ll be able to maintain a level of comfort comparable to normal. The addition of these generators will help make potential purchasers more interested in your property. If you are selling your home, your real estate agent may be able to use a standby or whole-house generator as a selling factor for the property.

2. Portable generators

It is applicable in any situation. Typically, gasoline is used to power them. They are more affordable than standby or whole-house generator, yet they are still able to provide enough protection for your essential home appliances and electrical requirements. If you do not preserve a distance of at least 15 feet between your home and one of these generators, there is a significant possibility that you could become poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Benefits of Portable generators

As stated above, the cost of a portable generator is far lower than that of a standby or whole-house generator. The fact that they can be moved around easily is a plus, but the fact that they raise questions about people’s safety and the integrity of their belongings during a blackout makes them a less appealing choice.

3. Inverter generators

Its engines are more complicated and sophisticated than those found in comparable portable generators. They are similarly powered by gasoline, but in contrast to portable models, they produce significantly less noise because to an improved exhaust system. They are more expensive than portable ones, but if you live in a location where loud noises can be a problem, it’s possible that you’ll find them to be preferred.

Benefits of Inverter generators

Because of the variable amperage that the motor draws while it is running, inverter generators offer a significant advantage over traditional generators when it comes to the amount of fuel that may be saved. Other types of generators don’t have an inverter option, thus they run in direct-on-line (DOL) mode, which causes the motor to draw the maximum amount of amperage whenever it operates at full speed.
Just for this reason alone, you should give serious consideration to purchasing an inverter generator rather than a traditional generator. The reduction in fuel consumption that can be accomplished with the use of an inverter will, over the course of time, result in favorable financial returns that will offset the upfront cost of the inverter generator.

3 Things  to consider before buying Backup Generators

Here are a few more points to consider before buying a standby/whole-house, portable, or inventer generator:

1. Where You Are Located

Power failures are more likely to occur in some parts of the country compared to others. For instance, if you live in an area that frequently experiences power outages, a standby or whole-house generator may be necessary for your home.

2. The Size Of Your Home

One of the most important considerations to make when selecting a generator because it will determine how much electricity you will need. If you have a larger home, a standby generator or one that can power the entire house would be the best choice for you.

3. Home Appliances and Electronics

If your home has a lot of home appliances and electronic equipment, especially ones that consume a lot of power, you should look into purchasing a standby or whole-house generator to meet your power requirements.

5 Benefits of Having a Backup Generator

There are a variety of benefits that come along with having a backup power generator in your home. Whether that generator is standby or whole-house, portable, or an inverter, having one offers a variety of benefits that can help you avoid potential dangers and save money. The following is a list of the most significant advantages that come with having a backup generator:

1. Instant Power Backup

As soon as the power goes out, you are able to keep the air conditioning and heating system, the sump pump, appliances, computers, and other pieces of equipment operational by recharging your home with temporary electricity.

2. Preservation of Food

Your refrigerator will be rendered useless in the event that the electricity is cut off. In just four hours, meat, eggs, and other perishable food items begin to deteriorate when there is no power. If you have a backup generator, your refrigerator will continue to work properly, which will prevent the food inside from going bad.

3. Eco Friendly

As stated above, a disruption in the flow of electricity could result in the heating or cooling system coming to an end. During a power outage, you can continue to enjoy a comfortable temperature in your house and keep your HVAC system running smoothly thanks to the backup generator you have.

4. Failure of the Sump Pump

During a power outage, one of the most common worries that people have is that their sump pump may stop working, which would lead to serious flooding inside their home. Your property will be safer from flooding if you have a backup generator since it will guarantee that your sump pump will continue to operate effectively.

5. Preventing Frozen Pipes

During the colder months, a power failure could cause your heater to stop working, which would result in a significant drop in the temperature inside your home. Because of this, pipes may freeze and burst, resulting in significant property damage. Your pipes will be less likely to freeze if you keep the heat on thanks to the use of a backup power generator, and the temperature in your home will be more tolerable.

A guide to maintenance and storage of backup generators:

The following are some tips on how to perform routine maintenance on your generator to ensure that it remains in excellent condition throughout its lifespan.

1. Purchase a Generator Warranty.

Investing in a generator warranty is among the most effective measures you can take to guard yourself against any issues that may arise with the device. Even the most reliable generators might experience problems at times. Make sure you are aware of the level of coverage you are purchasing, whether it be full or partial. Spending a little more money now on a warranty could end up saving you a significant amount of cash in the long run.

2. Every three months, start up your generator.

This is especially true for generators that may be moved around. Every three months, you need to start the vehicle and let it run for approximately half an hour. This keeps the motor from overheating and also recharges the battery that powers the electric starter.

3. Take Care to Fill the Tank of Your Generator

Make sure that your generator’s fuel tank is completely stocked before the arrival of the storm, regardless of the sort of fuel source that you use to power your generator. Do not wait until the oncoming storm to start thinking about whether or not you have enough gas or propane in your home. However, you shouldn’t keep gas in the portable generator for an extended amount of time. Use corrosion preventatives called stabilizers if you need to store the gas for more than a couple of months at a time.

4. Change your generator oil on a regular basis and have filters on hand.

Another measure that makes perfect sense. It’s similar to taking care of your car. If you want to keep it in the best possible running condition, you need to make sure that the oil and the filters are changed on a regular basis.

In a nutshell, backup generators will help your home in the event of an unplanned disaster or any other situation where power is needed. In addition, we have guides on how to save and generate power at home and also helpful gadgets to have for emergencies that will be beneficial for you and your loved ones in case of an unpredictable disaster.

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Written by Alfred Alaba