7 Tips to Prevent Break-ins at Home

Home security

Home is supposed to be everyone’s safe place—unfortunately, that is not the case in home breaks-in. The most important thing in your house may be at risk of being stolen. That being said, tips to prevent burglary and a proper home security system are some of the things you can do to prevent break ins from happening.

Whether it’s your flat screen tv or other valuable items such as jewelry, keeping them away from the burglar is a first step in home security tips. On top of that, an alarm system, deadbolt locks, security cameras, and tight security in every door in your house will definitely give every homeowner security measures.

Allow yourself to go on a vacation or trip while knowing your property and other belongings are secure. Don’t let the burglars steal your valuables and damage your apartment. Give them a hard time accessing your home to the point where they will give up on your impeccable security system!

Is sliding glass doors safe to use?

Sliding glass doors can enhance the visual appeal of a house and provide a magnificent view, but their beauty can pose a security challenge. These doors are vulnerable to break-ins as burglars can easily force the lock, leading to a potential home invasion.

Burglars can smoothly shatter the tempered glass used in this door without your neighbors’ knowledge. Fortunately, you don’t have to sacrifice your sliding glass doors for the sake of your security. 

You may install impact-resistant sliding doors so burglars can’t break the glass so easily. And even if they will, you will install door sensors that will make a sound if the glass is broken and the intruders pry the door open.

So technically, even though this kind of door is not ideal for a secure home, there are ways to improve its features. Security devices such as these would protect your house from burglary. Be on a trip without any worry about your home.

Garage door opener and front door as a point of entry

Aside from the backdoor, basement, not locked areas, and first-floor windows—garage doors and the front or exterior door would be burglar additional entry points. Statistically speaking, break ins happen in the exterior door more than 34% of the time. If you don’t have a good hiding place for your key, the tendency is burglars can still access your locked doors.

In the same way, garage doors, especially those with windows, tempt burglars. Approximately 10% of the thief enter through this, which might put your car at risk since it is left not locked most of the time.

So to prevent burglary and protect your valuables, have better security and alarm systems in your windows and all the possible entry points of the burglars in your house.

How to tighten the security in your garage door?

More than tight security in doors and windows is needed to prevent home break ins. Be determined not to leave the garage door opener, enhance the alarm system, and have clever hiding places for house keys.

Make your garage door as impeccable as your other window locks and other outside doors locks. Keep this from becoming the entry point for burglars to kick into your home. Keeping that code private is important if you have a garage with a passcode. Changing the code every six months is also a great idea, especially if your home has a previous owner. You never know who might have accessed the code before you. Simply put, the basic step to tighten the security in your garage is always to remember to lock the windows and consider getting an armored door for added safety. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Better yet, you may install motion sensor lights to startle burglars with a sudden lights. It may also be helpful for your neighbors and friend to notice that someone has suspicious activity lurking around your doors.

Yes, burglaries happen, but if you have a way to prevent this, it would be more wonderful. So use a better security system to prevent crime like this from occurring. Always keep your belongings and even your car in a much safer property.

List of the items usually stolen by burglars

In a crime like home break-ins, some things are usually stolen. It includes the most important items on your property, such as jewelry, cash, electronics, clothing, and even prescription drugs, since they can be easily sold on the street.

The worst-case scenario is that personal documents are also stolen. If that happens, you must communicate with the police since your identity can be used for another crime. Note that knowing things like this is one of the keys to preventing a burglar from stealing your valuables. And as a piece of advice, hide them in a place out of plain sight.

How do a home security system and an insurance company help in case of a home break-in?

If you want to keep your home safe and secure, having a good line of defense against theft is really important. Even the police will tell you that! So, consider installing special locks and alarm systems to protect your home. These can turn lights in doors and windows or sound an alarm if someone tries to break in to alert your neighbors if you’re away on an extended period of vacation.

On the other hand, an insurance company may help you arrange the mess that a burglar caused by reimbursing for the damage caused by the thieves based on your policy limits. So in a case of a crime like this, you will have a lighter financial burden about the broken things such as your windows and locks.

7 Tips to prevent burglary

A burglar always plans a way to enter your home. They monitor doors and windows to know where they can enter easily. In the same way, you should also plan a way to tighten the security in your home, especially when you’re away, by incorporating some tips on how to do it better.

Here is the rundown of the seven tips to prevent burglary.

1. Always use both locks.

Always use a double lock in your doors and windows as much as possible to prevent the burglar’s entry point. Remember that you have your lock for a purpose; you might as well use both.

2. Hang curtains in your home. 

This tip will make your home more aesthetically appealing, especially in your window, and prevent burglars from lurking around your home. Plus, seeing new appliances through the window might tempt the thief to enter your home.

3. Maintain your yard. 

Aside from the lock and keys, you should also trim trees around your home since they can be a potential hiding spot for the thief. Upper story windows may also be their entry into your home by climbing the trees.

4. Make your home look occupied. 

An empty home would tempt any thieves, so make sure that your home doesn’t look so empty if you’re away. You can arrange with the post office to refrain from sending the mail while you’re away so that the burglar will not know you are not home.

5. Do not overshare. 

It is okay to be on social media, but remember, there’s always a limitation. Do not post everything, especially if you’re leaving your home. Also, keep every feature of your home private, such as the window, because it’s like you’re giving burglars a map when they enter your home.

6. Install a security camera. 

There is a reason why it is the most apparent home safety tip because it can reduce the chance of break-ins in the home. Burglars may be doubtful to break into your window if they saw a camera since they risk being exposed.

7. Be updated about the crime rate in your community. 

Knowing this will make you more cautious about securing your home. You can read the local newspaper or visit the police station for updates.

If you ask around your neighborhood, they’ll likely agree that having a home security system is key to reducing the likelihood of a break-in. No one wants to be robbed, so if you have the resources to make your place safer, then, by all means, go for it; definitely worth considering.

Speaking of secured homes, if you’re searching for a sustainable home and safe from thieves—then end your quest because BRIA Homes will provide this for you. They offer homes that are not only affordable and convenient but also provide top-notch security features to give you peace of mind.

If you want to prevent asking for police help, go with a home that will provide you protection. Go with BRIA and expect all of the things every homeowner longed for!