Tips in Decorating a Maximalist Interior

Maximalist Interior Design

Designing your very own Bria Homes is exciting! You get to finally decorate and design your home according to your style, your need, or according to your liking. It is your home; it is your rule. For about a decade, minimalist interior design reigned in most homes. Minimalism’s philosophy is “less is more”. Elements of a minimalist interior design is simple, clean, and open. However, it changed due to a great motivating factor: The global pandemic. Two years locked in the same condominium unit, same room, or same Bria Homes house, and most people just wanted to do some fun redecoration; something that is not dull, something that does not involve a blank white wall. Maximalist Interior Design’s philosophy is “more is more”. More colors, more design, more accent or design pieces – an eye-catching bold, and powerful mix of the colors, the decorations, and the furniture.

It is inherent in the Filipino culture to use maximalist interior design. Filipinos love color and mostly like to express themselves through arts and design. Technically, there are no rules in maximalist interior design, but there tends to be a thin line between a messy chaotic room and a cluttered beautiful mess in style. Most people who are drawn to this design style usually have upbeat, fun, extravagant, and sentimental personalities. Usually, storytellers or artists have this style. They put their creativity into telling stories and bringing life together into their home design. Maximalist interior design suits extroverts because essentially the design styles are joyful, playful, and has interesting decorative accent piece. 

Here are some design tips to make your home maximalist in style:

Make use of vibrant colors. 

Consider the mood you want to create in each room as well as the overall atmosphere of your home. Maximalism is also defined by cheerful, bright colors. This gives the room life. When choosing a maximalist color, avoid neutral tones and avoid playing it safe. Instead, you should experiment with bright colors that complement your personality. Feel free to play with textures and colors. Solid colors do not just come in paint colors; make the space come alive by adding accessories that complement the wall. Matching the colors of the furniture with the walls is not necessary. It will still be appealing because of its imperfection, spontaneity, and authenticity. Also, it will be nice to have the home’s exterior or other entryways painted doors a vibrant color from your palette.

Use patterns together

Combine 1 or 2 patterns on the (e.g. floral, abstract, or animal print) flooring or walls. Patterns suggest a sense of classy elegance vibe. Symmetry, on the other hand, is equally an essential element in maximalism because it balances the number of visual elements and maintains harmony. It does not need to match, in maximalist design, feel free to use both or add more pieces.  Another flooring option that could add color and intrigue to the space while maintaining the maximalist look is patterned tiles. This flooring option would be ideal for maximalist bathrooms or half-baths. Rugs can bring so much to a space: luxury, comfort, texture, pattern, and color. Using colorful or patterned rugs that you like, layer your floor with texture and coziness. It can make a bold statement on its own or, with a subtler design, help tie in other themes in your space. 

A trip down memory lane

Maximalist interior design tells a story or reveals one’s fantasies. To add a personal touch, you may include sets of photos on one side of the wall. Together with the printed photos, you should have a nice photo frame too. When these photos are shared on the wall, visitors would take a sneak peek at your life through those photos. Aside from photos, collection items may speak about the valuable experiences that they treasure. So, keeping these items and including them in the design help them keep the memory. Maximalist style is intended to highlight your one-of-a-kind treasures. You can show off your furniture, decorations, or accessories! Do decorate a wall with art, paintings, or even unique frames. Different sizes will give the wall a quirky appearance, or you can streamline the design by using the same size artwork and frames. Also, to balance the visual of a variety of artwork, consider spacing each frame consistently with the others. Add an art gallery to the stairwell walls or above a couch or other prominent feature.

Layers by layers

Balance and consistency are two (2) concepts that need to be maintained whenever we are talking about strategic layering. It is the art of combining pieces artistically increasing the sentimental value. In decorating, think outside the box. Unleash the creativity in you. Aside from the tiles on your flooring, you may add up a furry rug in style or what have you. These rugs can be set up with pillows or a table, creating an extra space for a chit-chat. Layer lighting with only a couple of light fixtures in a maximalist style room because there is already a lot going on. If a ceiling light is present, a single lamp in a less well-lit area of the room may be useful.

You will never finish decorating… 

This is a dynamic and safe space that may often change depending on the mood, adapting to the functionalities needed, and the purpose of the homeowner. Maximalist Interior design means taking time because it would entail collecting personal objects that mean to the homeowner. This is part of the processing of the design style.

Sure, the decorating may continue until almost all space is used. Every corner of the space is utilized. Either it has a piece of furniture, a decorative frame or a collection item, or a pillow. It is good to have working spaces such as coffee tables or desks.

Decorate incessantly but never compromise comfort

Get all the decorative pieces you like and try to be cohesive and harmonize them with the surroundings. Some other designers would recommend having 1 or 2 statement pieces to make the room or home feel more curated and fashioned. There is no limit in adding accessories on the condition that it serves their function.  

Show & Tell Your Passions 

Best to tailor-fit the design to the homeowners’ passions, dreams, and personalities. Include the pieces that you like, the favorite colors, fabrics, etc. 

Just remember when “more” becomes “too much”, then it becomes an eyesore. The design will look messy, and shambolic and may bring in a negative vibe in the room or the house. No matter what design style you choose for your home or room, as long as you are comfortable with it and happy about it, then you will be fine. You may check with yourself, does it serve its function? Does it complement the lifestyle? Will it be easier if we do this over that? Decorating a home takes time and not everything has to be perfect. Just design your room or home as you are as the maximalist interior design trends in this era. Go ahead and play with colors, accents, patterns, and textures. We have different tastes, perspectives, and personalities toward arts and lifestyle, what matters is that you are content and comfortable living in your clean Bria Homes. 

Written by: Marico Badig