How Does the Climate Change Affect The Season

Effects of Climate change in season

Climate change is defined as the greenhouse gases produced by humans and may result in shifting in weather conditions locally and globally and also include global warming. Global warming is the long-term result of human activities such as fossil fuel burning that increases the production of greenhouse gases and causes them to stay in a trap in our atmosphere, longer which resulted in how does the climate change affect the season in our country and the whole world.  

In the other parts of the world and those who experience temperate climate such as the United States has already shown how does the climate change affect the season, they already started to feel less of their usual seasons such as winter, spring, summer, and fall. They started to experience summer and winter longer which divided their seasons into two seasons and then experienced fall and spring shorter. If we do not help contribute and stop the air pollution global warming will continue and it will greatly affect the usual seasons that we experience we can never predict our future if this comes. The average Earth’s temperature increased compared to the pre-industrial times. It also showed that the temperatures in some parts of the city are different from the others. As we continuously experience extreme heat and cold (for some parts of the world) and experience extreme and frequent other natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and drought that are brought by global warming greatly shows how the climate change affects the season.

For the places that experience winter, with the climate change that is happening, they started to feel and experience warmer winters. It also resulted in a low and reduced number of days of below zero temperatures compared to the old days. Climate Change also has resulted to have more pests around such as mosquitoes and ticks which could allow them to live and grow in hotter areas. Climate change could also result in pollination problems as plants and animals adjust according to their habitats and the environment they live in. As the plants experience to bloom early, the insects that are responsible for pollination would arrive late to pollinate the flowers. Heat waves could also be a result of the climate change we are experiencing now. Heatwaves are the results of low soil moisture that experience extreme hot temperature that is dangerous to everyone’s health and may cause some diseases such as heat stroke. Extreme droughts can also be experienced by climate change which can be a result of less rainfall in such areas and may cause fewer water supplies during the summer or drought season. This is also critical for countries that have ice or during winter as climate change causes low ice production and produces more heat causing not enough water to supply throughout the drought times or season and not be able to sustain the soil’s moisture for it to grow some plants and support the soil to not erode.

As we go along with the discussion about climate change. What are the greenhouse gases that contribute to and affect how climate change affects the season?

The greenhouse effect is when we humans transmit radiation to the Earth’s surface in which some parts of the radiation pass through our atmosphere but some are retained in our surface and remitted to other molecular parts that cause the earth’s surface to become warm causing how does the climate change affect the season in certain parts of the world.

1. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Carbon Dioxide or CO2 is known to be an odorless gas produced by the ignition of fuels. These were produced unknowingly by humans with the use of such electricity at home and not knowing it is already causing harm to the environment and themselves. Carbon Dioxide or CO2 was produced in water heaters, fireplaces, ovens, tobacco smoke, and many others.

2. Methane (CH4)

Methane or CH4 is almost the same as Carbon Dioxide, it is colorless and odorless but mainly because of nature and some human activities. These types of gas of often produced by volcanoes, vents on the ocean floor, and termites which are naturally produced by nature but for some human activities such as manufacturing of coal gas, biomass burning, and livestock farming.

3. Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Nitrous Oxide or N20 is also known as the laughing gas which is also a colorless, mild sweet odor and non-flammable gas and is commonly used for medical and dental purposes as a sedative to help the patients relax and away from anxiety.

4. Industrial gases

Industrial gases such as Hydrofluorocarbons or HFCs are commonly seen and used for cooling and refrigeration, Perfluorocarbons or PFCs are also used for refrigeration and used as a solvent for electronics, Sulfur hexafluoride or SF6 are used as insulators for electrical purposes such as circuit breakers, transformers, and others. And lastly, Nitrogen trifluoride or NF3 is commonly seen with solar panels, LCD or the Liquid Crystal Display, and chemical lasers.

Water vapors are believed by scientists to have very little contribution to harm to our atmosphere that is caused by human activities. Ozone is also considered a greenhouse gas but it is not harmful to our Earth’s atmosphere.

As the world continuously experiencing global warming, there are such human activities that contributed to the climate change on the Earth that we do not know of that are harmful to our planet and also destroy the other ecosystem called the climate crisis and contribute to how does the climate change affect the season. Let us take a look at the human activities that contributed to it:

5. Overfishing

Fishes are food for the people and some pets. Overfishing has been happening in the other parts of the world due to the high demand of the people for a healthier options to eat. With the number of discoveries in marine life, people started having fishing as part of their hobbies to take care of as pets. Marine life, therefore, lacks diversity in the ocean and also helps contributed and played an important role in our ecosystem.

6. Industrialization

Industrialization is when certain parts of the city started building factories used for manufacturing goods for business to mass production items mechanically. The end products of which are then to produce such waste that goes back to our environment at the same harmful to our nature if not disposed of properly. These harmful wastes go to our soils underneath us and also can pollute our atmosphere due to these huge machines that produce smoke.

7. Farming

Farming usually takes up simple green spaces to be taken over by the farm animals such as cows, goats, horses, and other farm animals that also contributed methane which is also harmful and contributes to greenhouse gases. Farming also produces a large number of harmful wastes that cause global warming destroying the local environments where animals usually live to make way for the farming methods they will use to produce such products from the animals and be used for business.

8. Consumerism

The world is fast evolving to a more technological way of consuming products where everything is available in just a swipe of our fingers which can be resulted in more and easier access to such goods making the retail businesses produce more products and can be resulted in overproducing such items for sale. By doing this, the supply becomes larger than the demand causing such items to just go to waste and some items can be harmful to our environment such as electronics and clothing that does not dissolve easily if thrown away for disposal and may take up years before rotting to recycle. These goods are starting to become more and more harmful and sustainable enough for our environment.

9. Transport and Vehicles

Cars are our number one source of transportation for people to go from another place to another. With the release of low-end cars, people are more likely to buy more cars than their usual needs causing more pollution to our environment through the gas we use for it to work and move. These gases were used by the vehicles to work by burning through their engine and then producing greenhouse gases that are harmful to the environment causing more air pollution.

10. Oil drilling

Oil drilling is a process in which a tube will be connected to the earth’s surface to put on tubes to create a well underground to remove such petroleum forcibly. The machine and oil drilling process contribute such a percentage of methane production that is harmful to our environment and also a greenhouse gas. This process then releases such other gases into our atmosphere and contributes to climate change at the same time, these harmful wastes are toxic to our environment and wildlife around it.

11. Power Plants

Power plants are used and built to produce electricity supply for the people and a place to store electrical energy for consumption and distribution. These power plants are then produced and release such harmful gases into our air and become pollution. They also produce such waste that can destroy marine life when released into the water. Power plants also use coal and burn it for operation and process for it to work which emits greenhouse gases and contributes to the climate change we are experiencing.

12. Waste

Waste is man-made end products of such items that we massively produce every day. We produce waste every time we do work and purchase items. Due to the mass production of goods and the uses of such packaging, these were such wastes that contribute to the environment and are not recycled enough to be used again. These are the results of items that have a short life for production and these plastics and wastes are released into the landfills to throw away which will take years to decompose. During the decomposing process, such gases will then be released into the air and then contributes to climate change.

13. Deforestation

Deforestation is when a large amount of woodland or forest is brought down to create a space for other use. These woods harvested are also then used for business and the forest for farming and other agricultural activities. Tress plays a major role in the environment by turning carbon dioxide into breathable and healthier oxygen. Carbon Dioxide is a harmful gas that we breathe caused by the pollutants around. Deforestation is not just manmade but can also be caused naturally by forest fires and these contribute to a larger waste in our air because of the bad gases it releases.

We are the ones responsible for taking care of our planet. Let us all be responsible for the things that we do and let us avoid as much as possible such waste that contributes to the world problem. If the earth and nature start giving upon us, we won’t have a place to live. Let us contribute and save the planet earth. Let us consume and patronage the business that has a reason to help the environment, consumer products that last long, avoid single-use plastics, start using reusable containers for food, and throw your wastes properly. In our little ways, let us help rebuild our world.

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Written by Yna Faundo